Let's Dislocate Our Thumbs For Survival!

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Nico's POV 


I almost started crying on the spot. Coming through the door was Will, in all of his sunny glory. Zoe came in behind him, giving me a scared but happy look when she saw me. The two were flanked by Silas and an army of smoke-like monsters.

With Silas' attention focused on Will and Zoe, I managed to move my newfound dagger under my thigh so it was out of sight. Silas moved the two to the center of the room, and forcefully pushing them down. He chained them up with their hands behind their backs.

Zoe let out a pained grunt while Will stayed silent. 

"Will." I said. Was I surprised that someone came to find me? No. Was I surprised that it was Will who came to find me? Absolutely.

"Hey Neeks." He said with a sad smile.

Silas gave a well placed kick to Will's ribs. "Shut your damn mouth."

"Hey!" I yelled. "Get your hands off my boyfriend!" 

Silas whipped his head and was on top of me in under a second. "The fuck did you just say?" He grabbed my hair and jerked my head back, hitting the wall.

"I thought I made made it crystal clear. I'm your boyfriend now. Whether you like it or not. Okay?"

I spit in his face.

Silas laughed. "Oh! So that's how you want to play? I can do that too you know." He took out yet another knife from his pocket. He started throwing it around. 

"You know, I'd think by now you'd start listening to me. It would be a shame if I. . ." He chucked the knife behind him, missing Will and Zoe by inches. "Missed."

I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to psychologically torture us. Fool our brains into thinking he had power over us. It was smart, but Silas has long ruined that plan. He said he 'loves' me, so if he has any human emotion whatsoever, chances are I can defeat him. It was a long shot, but one I was willing to take.

I just had to find a way to get free.

Silas slowly got up and walked towards my friends. "Now what should I do with you two." With every word he took a new step.

"Maybe I should. . . Slit your throats, let you bleed out. Then again, I don't want to clean up the mess." 

Both of them had fear in their eyes. Zoe looked like she was going to pass out. She was skating and frantically trying to get out of her chains. She looked at me for some kind of support.

I thought of a technique I learned a long time ago if your hands were ever restrained. I tilted my head up to get her attention to go to my hands. It did, and I started wiggling my thumbs. Thankfully, she knew what I was talking about. 

"Or, I could break every bone in your body, one by one. Wouldn't that be fun?!" 

I sighed. "Gods damn Silas!" I yelled, lacing my tone with boredom. "Just hurry up and kill us already!" I taunted him so he took his attention away from the middle of the floor. 

We looked each other in the eyes, but I used my peripheral vision to see Zoe behind him.

"Do you want to die, di Angelo? Is that what I'm hearing?" 

"I dont know Silas? Maybe I do. I mean, everything could be better than dating you."

I looked behind me. Zoe had a pained look on her face, but I knew she succeeded. She silently shifted to begin working on Will.

"Let's get one thing straight Nico. You better start accepting the fact that we're dating. Because trust me, I'll have you until the day I die."

I looked him dead in the eye as I manipulated my hands. Thankfully, my thumbs were close enough to touch, so I quickly snapped one of them, dislocating it. I slid my hand through the chain and took the other one out.

"Wow you are stupid." I said, lowering my hand and snapping my thumb back into place. Silas looked stunned.

"Wha-? How did you do that!?" 

I smirked. "A little trick I learned. Now look behind you."

He jerked his head back, but it was too late, Zoe and Will had their weapons pointed at Silas; Will ready to shoot his arrows, Zoe having her sword out in defense. I stood up, having my dagger concealed behind my forearm.

"Three against one," Will said. "You really want to test those odds?"

 "I think I just might."

Within seconds, all of the smoke monsters were running at us. We slashed at them and shot arrows, but nothing, they couldn't be harmed.

I managed to get back to back with Will.

"I have a plan. You and Zoe retreat. I got this."

I was about to put my plan into action when I felt Will grab my wrist. He took a deep breath. "Look, I trust you. And I know you can do this, but stay safe. Please."

I felt my mouth curl into a smile. "Of course Sunshine."

He let go of me and made his way to Zoe. I took a breath. It's now or never.

"Hey Silas!" I yelled over the chaos. "Show yourself asshole! I want to see the look on your face when I beat your ass!" 

Silas emerged from the shadows. I mean, literally. One second he was gone, the next he was standing in front of me.

"You like it?" He asked. "New little power the boss gave me."

I didn't look impressed. "You wanna know the best part of being a child of Hades?" I asked tauntingly. "I get to do this."

I put all if the power and energy I ever gained into this one moment. I'm the Ghost King, Prince of The Underworld. I can handle this.  I thought hard about every little intricate step. If I messed this up, I could put a lot of people in danger. 

"I am Nico di Angelo, the Ghost King, and I DEMAND you to go back where you belong!" I willed the smoke army under, letting them slowly sink back into the depths of the Underworld. I let all my anger and trauma out, giving me just enough of an edge to complete my job. 

Silas looked horror stricken and angry. He charged at me, but I was too slow to get away. Thankfully he went right through me thanks to me pretty much overusing my powers. 

"Nico!" Zoe yelled from across the room, oblivious to the fact that, yeah, I'm pretty much a puddle.

When I regained my. . . Solidness, I managed to pin Silas down to the floor. I took my dagger to his throat.

"You still wanna test us, Bates?" I asked threateningly.

He smiled. "You might be powerful, but gods, you're a fool di Angelo."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" 

He laughed. "Look behind you."

I snapped my head around and almost forgot what I was doing. 

Zoe. Our sweet, kind, thoughtful little Zoe, had a dagger thrown right into her chest.

Well, it's time to do something irrational.



Hi, it's Gremlin! Happy Mother's Day! 

And also, yes, you're allowed to hate me now. 

Please vote, comment, and thanks for reading!!!!!

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