You *were* My Sunshine

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Will's POV

On the fourth day since the argument, I went pretty much emotionally numb. I focused on one thing and one thing only: helping my patients. There was a new monster attack every few hours. Just as hard to kill as the first ones, if not harder.

But something felt off. From stories I've heard, Tartarus has way more power than what he's showing off. It's like he's taunting us, saying 'You think that's hard? Wait till you see what else I've got!' 

Campers, especially the younger ones, have noticed that too. Some of them don't understand why we have to fight monsters everyday. Others just sought refuge in their cabins. The entire camp was under a lot of stress, whether you were a healer or a fighter.

I've started singing again to try to relive my stress. With my mother being a country singer, I learned to hold a tune from an early age. My mom would sing to me when I was sad, a beautiful old song with a beautiful meaning. 

I even started singing the song to Nico when he needed it most. He would smile and tell me my voice was just as beautiful as Bianca's when they were little. It brought me joy, making the small boy smile. Now it brought me sorrow and guilt. 

I still sang though. I would get rid of all thoughts of Nico, and instead solely thought of my mother and I sang the verses.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy, when skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

 I would sing the lyrics when I was alone, and hum the tune when I was healing. Not only did it help me in this darker time, but other people as well. I can heal people when I sing in Ancient Greek, but when in English, I was told I could lift the spirits of anyone when I sang. I guess that was true. The infirmary had a happier glow that the rest of camp didn't. 

So I kept singing:

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamt I held you in my arms 

When I awoke dear, I was mistaken

So I hung my head and cried

"Nice singing blondie."

I jumped, hitting my knee on a cabinet. I turned around and smiled.

"Hey Cece."

Celene walked up and leaned on the infirmary cabinet. "Hey Sunny Boy. How's it going?".

I shrugged. "I'm fine. a little stressed but fine."

"Not what I meant."

"Then explain. And make it quick. I have laundry duty."

She hoisted herself on the counter like she owned the place. 

"How are things going with di Angelo?"

"That's for me to know and you not too."

She scoffed. "Oh come on Solace!" She said playfully. "I wanna help you. You gotta give me something to work with!"

I looked her dead in the eye. "You really wanna know?"

"I mean yeah, it's pretty much the only reason I'm here. Now spill."

I sighed. "We haven't spoken in four days."

"WHAT!? Will, my child, how could you do that to your sweet little boyfriend?!"

"I don't know, Celene! I was angry, said some wrong stuff, and I want to give him some space. And I'm not even sure if we're dating right now! The kid probably doesn't even trust me anymore!"

Celene shook her head. "Wow, you are stupid."

"I know."

"Well here's what you should do. Come to my cabin, have some tea to calm the nerves, and go get a therapist, and boom! Much better."

I laughed. "As much as I would enjoy that, I can't. I have to be here incase of a monster attack. And shouldn't you be out training?"

She rolled her eyes. "You know me, I'm not gonna train anytime soon."

"Whatever, just don't come at me when you can't handle a sword."

"Are you sure you can't have tea?" She asked again.

"Depends, what did you do, poison it?" I joked.

She laughed. "No. At least I don't think so."

I smirked. "How about another time? I really gotta stay here."

"Gods Will, when will you give yourself a break! You've been working for four days straight! And when was the last time you've eaten? Like an actual meal?"

I thought about that. "Umm, I had a bag of chips this morning."

"That's not a full meal Solace." She corrected.

"Two days ago then."

"Oh my gods! You better come to dinner tonight. Pinkie promise you will." She held out her pinkie. I sighed and locked mine with hers.

"Fine. I'll come to dinner."

"Thank you. Now enjoy laundry duty!" She said as she skipped off. 

                                                                                   * * * * 

Celene's POV

Gods dammit, why is he adamant on helping patients! I couldn't even get him to leave the infirmary! Gods, master is gonna kill me. 

'It's fine' I thought to myself. 'I'll hink of another way'.

I've always prided myself on having a strategy for everything I do; a plan that will always work. But within the past few months, I've learned it's always good to have a plan B. And this plan B included a little bit of magic.

Hecate magic, to be exact. My half-sister, LouEllen, started teaching me the second I got claimed by the godess of magic. So far, I can manipulate the mist and even emotions, which came in very helpful with the little 'Solangelo fight' I had to set up.

As well as the fact that Tartarus can stimulate tour emotions big time, I can add even more power into it. Little bit of anger mixed with stupidity and boom, you've got yourself a broken relationship.

And it was hilarious how heartbroken Will was. I've heard him sing that song to Nico at meals and training. I can tell he wants to apologize to the kid, but there's no way I'm gonna let that happen. 

I came out of the infirmary at perfect timing, because out in the distance, I saw Nico di Angelo sprinting his way out of camp.

Well, This'll be interesting.



Hi, it's Gremlin! 

So yay, I posted again. I had a long ass Civics project I had to finish, it's due tomorrow and I haven't finished it yet but oh well. 



Anyway vote, comment, and thanks for reading!!!!

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