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Hi, it's Gremlin! 

So in the past twenty four hours I have had a VERY interesting day. I did a lot of random crap like usual, but I also had a lot of points that I want to share with the wonderful people of Wattpad.

So first of all, let's get one thing straight. I'm not. I'm not cisgender either. I am a pan romantic asexual who uses they/them pronouns. Now yes, I was assigned female at birth, and most times I present very feminine, (as seen above.). Please remember this as you continue reading.

So let's go back to last night, while I was at my karate class. So it started off normal, until right before it ended. We were all in a circle as usual, and we started talking about the perks of self defense, especially with teenagers. 

Now there was a girl in my area recently who almost got kidnapped, but managed to get away because she fought back. We took this as a lesson in self-defense, as well as how to stay safe from kidnapping. 

Now I am also a closeted she/they, so I didn't care at all when my sensei said, "And (insert my name here), this is good because you're a girl and an easier target". Now, that might sound sexist, but he has a point, and let me explain.

In today's society, we live in a world where me, a presenting feminine blue eyed blonde, would be the perfect victim of kidnapping, assault, and even rape. Most of the time, females are seen as 'the weaker gender', which personally, is bullshit. But it's a little unsettling when as a 14 year old, my greatest fear is getting raped. 

But that's not the main point. My point is that we are beginning to live in a world where boys are justifying raping woman just because they have the freedom to do it. In my opinion, there will never be a justification to rape, because woman should be able to loose their v-card in a safe, comfortable environment. (Side note: as an asexual, I don't see how sex is even wanted, but you know, if that's your thing, go for it. It's not like I can control you.).

Another note to add, I feel some of society forget that men also play victim to rape. We (as a society), are so used to it always being the man raping the woman, not the other way around. But that's not always the case. Men can be just as easily raped as woman, which I feel is something we have to take into consideration saying nowadays we strive for a 'more equal world'.

And just because feminists strive for equality among sexes, (which, kudos to all feminists trying to make the world a better place), doesn't mean we can equally upstage the men in some situations, just like in this one. So like I said before, rape isn't justifiable whether you are a man or a woman. 

Now let's go to another fun event that happened to me today at school. So there are some boys who are homophobic as fuck. They will call me and my friends names and poke fun at us all day, and like to use the phrase 'make America straight again'. 

Now sure, this has no effect on me, nor my friends, but here's what really pissed me off today:

We were playing volleyball outside today, and when we got to the court, the boys said, "We're doing gays vs. straights, so all you gay idiots go over there." None of us really said anything about it, because this is normal for me. And their opinion doesn't matter to me whether they like me or not. 

But we began playing. All the while, the 'straight' team, was making homophobic remarks at us. It was all fun and games before they decided to make sexist remarks at us as well. Now those boys refer to me with she/her pronouns l, which again, I don't mind. They started saying things like:

"Girls shouldn't be playing sports outside because they're lazy."

"Go back in the kitchen and do some work for once."

"Go make us a sandwich because it's all you're good at."

Which PISSED ME OFF. I had half a mind to say "Well then go get off your asses and bring home some money." But I thought against it because I wasn't in the mood to keep the argument going, and I felt if I did, I would be just as bad as them. 

But let's get this clear: these are 13 year old boys who have never had a girlfriend in their life (surprise surprise.) At only 13, these people have already been taught that lgbtq people are bad and that the woman belong at home. Now don't get me wrong, if they follow a  religion that is against homosexuality, then cool, I'm not going to stop you, keep on at it. But what made me upset was how they believed that they had control over a woman just like that. 

Apparently nowadays kids aren't raised to respect others, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Like why isn't that taught yet? I mean I personally was raised to respect woman, men, nonbinary people, and everyone in between.

Now I could care less about your moral or what you believe. I will respect them without a doubt, but that doesn't mean you have to share your opinion silence to piss people off or make them uncomfortable. With me, if you can't learn to respect someone, keep your damn mouth shut. I can't stress this enough. 

And like anything else, this is MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! If you do not agree with me, fine. I'll respect that you don't. But please do not try to change my ideas on these topics, because I have grown up believing in these morals. But I just wanted to share this with you because it felt important and that these are very personal topics to me. 

Also if there is any false information, please tell me. I do not want to go spreading incorrect statements through the internet, so please tell me, but please do it NICELY. I use this page as an outlet to share my creativity as well as provide a safe place for everyone regardless of who you are. So if you want or need to message me about anything, go for it, I'm all ears.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed my ranting about our whack society! Feel free to share your opinions and thanks for reading!!!

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