Well Then. . . Tartarus It Is

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Nico's POV 

As we got closer to Hades' throne room, I could tell something was off. There was such an unexplainable aura throughout the entire Underworld that I haven't felt before. Well, that was a lie, it does remind me of something, but I'm praying to literally any god alive that it's not what I think it is. 

I felt a shove on my shoulder. "Neeks?"

I look over at Will. He's definitely paler than usual, but overall I'm actually surprised he didn't pass out yet. 


"You spaced out. Is everything alright?" He ask, worry evident in his voice.

"Y-yeah, just thinking about what Charon said."

"Do you think it's the enemy in the prophecy he was talking about?"

I sighed. "I don't know. Usually we get some kind of sign of a new enemy, like repeated monster attacks. But now it was just a voice and a prophecy immediately after. It's weird."

"Yeah." He agreed. "But I'm just worried about the whole 'as the death tole rises' or whatever it said."

"Me too. And something tells me this has something to do with the Underworld. I mean, Charon isn't even allowed to take souls down for judgment."

During our conversation, we reached the gates leading to the throne room. The skeleton guards moved out of our way, saying I had the whole 'son-of-Hades-scary-reputation' thing. 

I took a deep breath and prayed to my sister that Hades was in a good mood.

Turns out he wasn't. 

I opened the door, and at the end of the throne room, three gods were there talking. Well, one god and two godesses. 

Their heads turned our way, all with scowls on their faces. We must have just walked into a meeting, because  Hades, Persephone, and Demeter were all gathered around each other with worried faces before we came in.

We walked towards them, my eyes on my dad, Will's on the floor.

"So." Demeter said when we were within earshot. "He's brought a different boy this time." 

I blushed, last time I saw my step-grandma in the Underworld, I brought Percy with me. Gods, that felt like so long ago. I had such a big crush on him then.

I cleared my throat. "Lady Demeter. Pleasure to see you." Then I turned to Hades and Persephone and bowed deeply. "Lord Hades, Lady Persephone, it's an honor."

Persephone looked me up and down, then Will. "Well I must say though it was rather foolish for you to come here, I do enjoy this boy much more than the last."

I looked at Will with my peripheral vision. He bowed awkwardly and stuttered. "T-thank you, Lady Persephone."

I internally laughed. 

Hades clapped his hands together with a loud boom. "Nico." His voice was big and scary, and it was was easy to give in to. Not that I did; this wasn't my first rodeo.

"Why have you arrived, my son? It is much too dangerous for you to be here."

See, I could do this two ways. The formal conversation way, or the sarcastic teenager way. I think you know which one I chose.

"See." I started. "I keep getting told that. But I have no evidence on why. Care to fill me in, dear father?" 

Hades looked like a dad who's kid just talked back to him. I mean technically that did just happen, but that was the best way to describe his face.

"Watch your tone child, it just might get you killed."

"Yeah and so will whatever is screwing with the Underworld that everyone refuses to tell me." Before I say anymore sarcastic things that could possibly get me blown up by my dad, Will actually speaks up.

"Lord Hades," he says in a calm manner. "We have simply come to ask a few questions."

Hades looked at Will with amusement. "Son of Apollo, it's been a while since I've seen your kind here. Well, amuse me, what questions do you have?"


"Father." I say. "Something has come up at camp. A new foe we must fight. We thought you might know something about it-."

"FOOLISH!" Hades boomed. "You foolish young heroes always think I have something to do with it! Have you ever asked your uncle Zeus, or Hermes, or even Hera if they knew anything about it!? HUH!?"

"Well, no. But saying you three are having a secret little meeting in hushed voices and Charon can't deliver souls, I think you might know something about it. Care to tell us?"

After I said that, I was surprised I wasn't dead on the spot. Hades looked furious. He composed himself before saying. "I'd advise you to watch your tounge."

"Lord Hades, we simply want answers. We know you are not the bad one. In fact, you are very wise, that's why we came to you, right Nico?" 

I looked at Will with disbelief. Then I realized what he was doing: using Hades' pride against him. Not gonna lie, it was a smart move.

"Right. Yes. Very wise father." I said. 

Hades looked at us for any signs of us lying. When he didn't find any, he said one word:


"What?" Will and I said at the same time.

"Tartarus is what's happening. He is growing stronger. Especially after the doors of death opened. It is much too dangerous to bring souls in now. It's much too dangerous to bring anyone or anything here now."

"Wait wait wait." I exclaimed. "You're telling me, Tartarus gained power, and wants to take over Mount Olympus."

"Not just Mount Olympus child." Said Demeter. "Everywhere. He has already started attacking fields and riding the Earth of happiness."

"How can something without a body even do that?" Will asked.

"Through monsters. The ones that die and end up in Tartarus, he will use them to his advantage. If we are correct, he is making an unkillable army to take over humanity as we know it.".

"So does that mean Tartarus is the one in the prophecy?" Will asked.

Hades looked at my boyfriend and mumbled. "Apollo kids, always yapping about prophecies."

"Is it, or is it not?" I said with gritted teeth. I wasnt just going let my dad take a stab at Will like that. I'm not going to let anyone do that. Not on my watch.

"We think so child." He said. "Now, does that answer your questions?"

Even though I wanted to stab the shit out of my father right now, I bowed and said, "Yes Lord Hades, thank you."

"Yes thank you. But sir," Will asked. "How will we get put of here?"

Hades snarled. "Well you should have thought about that before hand, huh?"

Now I expected that answer, but what I didn't expect was him yelling, "GUARDS!" 

"Oh fuck." I said. Skeletons came pouring out of the door, rushing towards us. 

"Will I'm sorry." I said as I grabbed his hand. I mustered up all the power I could, and shadow traveled back to Camp.

Or, I tried to at least.



Hi, it's Gremlin. First of all, somehow I wrote this chapter in under an hour, so yay me! Also, you got some more plot to the story! I hope it's not that bad, I'm trying my best!

If y'all are lucky, another chapter will be up within the next few hours!

Anyway vote, comment, and thanks for reading!!!

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