Let's Find My Boyfriend

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Will's POV 

"Well." Said Leo. "That was unexpected."

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically. This wasn't the best time to be making jokes.

"Well, doesn't this tell you where Nico is? He's with the blondish boy from Westover." Percy said.

I nodded my head. "Yeah. But he probably shadow travelled there, making him weaker, and Silas isn't someone to mess around with. Especially now that we know he's working for Tartarus with Celene-"

I stopped. There was totally a chance that Nico could be dead by now. Or close to it. Gods, we have to find him fast.

"Hey hey hey. Will, it'll be okay. We'll find Nico no matter what. Like you said, we're a family here." Piper said. 

I nodded. "I'm just scared that he's dead." I whispered.

"He's not. You can't tell me he's dead. He's stronger than all of us combined. He's alive, whether he needs our help or not, he's alive." Percy said.

I prayed that Percy was right. I prayed to my father, Hades, Aphrodite, Athena, ANYONE who would answer. I needed to save Nico, even if it's the last thing I do.

"Let's get to the quest then." I say. "The faster we get there, the better."

"How do we even know that's where Nico actually is?" Reyna asked over Iris message.

"I mean, don't get me wrong I want to find him as much as you guys do, but what if this is just part of a larger plan? To lure you guys in. Shouldn't you wait to see? Or even just IM the guy?"

"Yeah! Why can't we just Iris Message Nico?" Asked Leo.

"Because you idiot!" Annabeth scolded. "If we try to contact Nico, someone is bound to see the IM! Then they'll know we're trying to save Nico and probably kill him!"


"Yeah, we're gonna have to use the element of surprise if we want to rescue him." Zoe interjected.

"Smart. And if we can get to Maine tonight, it'll be easier." I said. 

"That is if he IS in Maine." Leo said.

"He will be." I said quickly. "He's got to be. There would be no other place he'd go."

"Okay. . . " Leo said, unconvinced.

Nico has got to be with Silas. It just makes sense. The only other place he would think to go is the Underworld, and after Hades sent his guards on us, I'd doubt he'd go there.

"Then come on, we need to get packing, I want to leave before ten tonight." I instructed.

"So that's it? You're  just gonna take Zoe, and no one else?" Percy asked.

"It's a risk, but it's one I want to take Jackson. And don't worry, Zoe's a fighter, aren't you girl?" I nudged her with my shoulder.

"You know it!" She exclaimed.

After that we slowly dispersed, going either back to our cabins or back to training. I went back to the Apollo cabin, packing up everything I needed to save Nico. I packed my bow, equipped with an extra quiver of arrows in case. I also packed my dagger.

I found a few different changes of clothes, got some nectar and ambrosia, some drachmas, and last but not least, a picture of Nico.

I used to keep one in my pocket at all times, in case I wasn't able to see the real thing. I said it brought me good luck, and now I just hoped it was right.

"Don't worry Nico," I said aloud, "I'll find you. Somehow."

I stuck the picture in my bag and walked to the infirmary to say goodbye to my siblings. 

And apparently Percy Jackson as well.

He was sitting on the infirmary porch, and looked very eager when he saw me.

"Will. Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. 

He looked nervous, because he was spinning a ballpoint pen in his hand, (though I knew it was actually his sword, Riptide.).

"Yeah. What's up?"

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."


"Because I'm the one who made Nico think he didn't belong at camp."

"Explain please." I instructed.

He sat back down on his seat, and I sat next to him.

"When Nico first came to camp, he promised me to keep his sister safe on her quest, which you already knew. But, when I didn't, he fucking hated me, wanted to kill me,"

Woah, woah, woah! I knew Nico had a rough past, but Gods, that was intense.

"And when I didn't, he ran off for the first time. Thankfully, we got him to come back for the Titan war. After that, everyone thought Nico was some sort of hero. Which, he was, but after a few months, people started disregarding him. Everyone one thought I was the real hero. So he wanted to run off again. He's always shadowed by me. He shouldn't; he's a big three, he should be treated with respect like everyone else. So I'm sorry Will."

"Gods Percy, it's not your fault. You were just trying to save the world like everybody else. And I know you tried your best to save Bianca, and I know for a fact Nico doesn't blame you for that anymore, so don't worry. Okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

There was an awkward silence before he said, "I swear to gods though Solace if you hurt that little cinnamon roll ball of death I WILL be coming for your head. Got it?"

I laughed. "I understand."

"Good. Now go tell your sibling bye before you go save your Ghost King." He smirked before running off. 

I went in the infirmary and told everybody goodbye before making my way to the edge of camp. When I got there, Zoe was already there saying bye to her partners. They were in a tight hug, and I think all three of them were hugging. 

They pulled back and Zoe wiped her eyes. "Gods. I'm going to miss you guys so much."

"We will too Little Angel. Stay safe beauty." Aspen said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss our cuddles." Colin says.

"Gods, you guys are acting like I'm leaving forever. It'll only be for a little while. Then you can both get all the cuddles you want." She kissed both her partners on the cheek.

Aspen looked over to me. She walked up to sternly.

"Look Solace, we love you and shit, but I swear to gods you better keep her safe for us."

I laughed nervously. "Don't worry, I will. She's safe with me."

"Good. Now come here, you need a hug before you go."

"Okay!" I say as she pulled me into a hug.

I look over at Zoe. "Ready?" I ask.




Hi, it's Gremlin!

I actually enjoyed writing this chapter, so that's great.

Also side note  y'all are going to probably hate me for the next chapter *evil laugh*. I don't know when I'll have it up, so be patient.

Anyway vote, comment, and thanks for reading!!!

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