Off and Away We Go To Maine

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Will's POV

I walked with Zoe down to the main road. There was an awkward tension between us. I could understand it though, neither of us wanted to leave camp when there was such a big threat out and about. 

It was also a little awkward due to our circumstances. I was pretty much ripping Zoe from her relationship to help salvage mine. I was thankful for the help of course, but it seemed a little selfish. 

"So how are we going to get to Maine?" I asked. It only just now dawned on me that we needed transport. 

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve." She said with a mischievous grin.

"Oh gods Wittaker what did you do?!" I asked playfully.

She smiled innocently. "Nothing much. I just Iris Messaged Colin's mom to pick us up and drive us to Maine."

"Seriously?! How?!" 

"I just asked. Ms. West will do anything if you ask nice enough."

I nodded. "Good to know."

We walked for a few more minutes before coming up to the road. When we got there, there was a red Honda Civic with its headlights on.

The driver Rosales down the window to show a middle aged woman. She looked fine I guess. Long brown hair, brown eyes, the usual. But her eyes I noticed shown a lot like Mrs. Jackson's, who was Percy's mom. They both had that look of love and hospitality. Like she would care for you even if you weren't her own.

"Hi Ms. West!" Zoe called, walking up to the car.

"Hello Zoe! It's so great to see you again! Is the Will, the boy you were talking about?" She asked suggestively.

Zoe blushed. "Yes ma'am. But don't worry. Two partners are enough for me."

Ms. West laughed. "Yes well, Colin is a bit much to deal with, isn't he?" She said jokingly.

Zoe laughed. "Yeah kinda. But we keep him under control."

"Lovely to hear! Now come on, in the car you two. We have a long trip ahead of us!"

Zoe and I piled in the backseat. It was a well-kept car, no dirt, good quality seats, and the little clip-on air fresheners on the AC vents. The second I closed the door we went speeding off into the streets of New York.

"So how is camp?" She asked in her 'I'm-a-mom-and-I-want-to-know-about-your-life' kind of tone.

"It's good." Zoe replied. "A little stressful with monster attacks, but good."

"Wonderful. What about you, Will? How is camp life on your end?" 

"Oh umm." I stuttered. "It's going okay. Like Zoe said, it's a little stressful."

Ms. West hummed in response. "Yes yes. And who is your godly parent again?" She questioned further.

"Apollo, ma'am."

"Oh! Zoe was telling me. You children run the camp hospital right?!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Yeah, Will's the best healer camp has seen in a hundred years." Zoe complimented.

I blushed at her assessment. I never took pride in being the 'best' healer. I honestly just wanted to help campers in need.

"Is he really?! You know, it might be a little late, but I was thinking of going back to school, maybe get a nursing degree. Now I might just have to get some advice from you, young man." 

"Oh well. . . I'm not sure if I'm the best person to teach you. I kinda just learned everything as I go, ma'am." I admitted.

"Oh will you quit with that 'ma'am' stuff!? Please, just call me Amber. I insist."

"Yes Ms. Amber."

She laughed. "I like you Will. I can tell you were raised with manners."

I laughed. "Yes ma'am. Born and raised in Texas till I was about seven."

"I'm just glad people are still being taught manners. I hardly see it anymore."

Zoe sighed. "Ain't that the truth "

We rode in comfprtably until daybreak, which was about seven hours. We had to stop for gas a few times, which gave us an excuse to stick up on snacks and health products. Ms. Amber happily bought them for us, even when I insisted on paying. 

I got along with her well. She was a very smart lady with a sharp mind. She told me how she enlisted in the air force when she was younger, getting to fly in cool fighter jets. That's how she met Hermes, on a mission in Iraq. That was a long but sweet story. 

When we crossed the border into Maine, Zoe and I kept a close lookout in the streets for any sign of danger or my boyfriend. We pulled our weapons out: Zoe having daggers in both hands, and me keeping an arrow focused out of the car. 

Zoe said Ms. Amber could see through the mist, so I was surprised when she didn't say anything about us having weapons out in her car.

"She doesn't care." Zoe explained. "She's used to it. You should have seen last summer when me and Aspen went to visit Colin. Full out sword fight in her backyard."

I laughed. Zoe was such a fun person. She was so bubbly and full of energy. She just never showed it. If you met her for the first time, she seems like the quiet type who's scared to take risks, but I've seen her make some really cool moves while training. 

She also didn't hesitate to befriend Nico. When they met the first time, Zoe pranced right up to him as if he wasn't a scary guy who could raise skeletons. Nico was hella grateful for her too. She was like a sister to him, even if he never admitted it to anyone but her. 

The car slowed down to a stop. "What's wrong?" I asked.

I looked out of the window and saw an oh so familiar landmark. It was Silas' hut, and he was out waving to us.

I sighed. "Thank you Ms. Amber. I think we can take it from here."

"Of course. Please call me if you need help. And tell Colin his mother says hello."

"We will Ms. West." Zoe said, carefully getting out of the car. "Thank you."

I followed suit and got out. Zoe watched as she drove away, but my eyes were on Silas. That peice of shit had my boyfriend. And I planned on getting him back.

I walked up to him calmly, with a snarl on my face. 

"Will!" He said, sounding generally happy to see me. "What can I do for you?"

I sighed. "Cut the bullshit you Jack Frost looking ass. Where's my boyfriend?"

Silas looked shocked. "Will what do you mean 'where's your boyfriend?'? Is Nico gone?"

I grabbed his shirt. "Yes. Nico is gone. And I want him back."

He smirked. "You want help finding him?" 

"No! I know you have him, and I want him back!"

He scoffed, and turned deadly serious. "How'd you know it was me?"

"Celene spilled your little secret." I laughed darkly. "Working for Tartarus? I mean, I knew you were dumb, but were you THAT stupid?" I asked.

Silas grinned. "No. But you were stupid enough to fall into my plan, William."



Hi, it's Gremlin!

So first things first, I've changed my updating schedule to every other day because I've been really stressed and I don't want to worry about posting everyday.

And yes, I left you on a cliffhanger.

No. I am not sorry.

Anyway vote, comment, and thanks for reading!!!

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