Consoling With The Bad Guys

654 19 43


Unknown's POV

"Three days," I tried to explain. "It's been three days since they broke up."

My counterpart nodded over Iris Message, going over his plans once more. 

"That's fine. We can still make theis work. Be patient."

"I am patient! But you said this would happen immediately!" I said.

"Then act like it! If you blow our cover, our master is going to kill us."

I composed myself. "Yes, sorry. My emotions are still stimulated from all the Tartarus attacks."

"That's why we went through all of that training, remember? So you didn't blow up like Solace did."

I sighed. "You still didn't tell me why you made the two break up in the first place. Like, why not just kidnap them? Torture them to gain power for Tartarus."

"Because you idiot!" He snapped. "If we kidnap one of them, the other is sure to come running to save them-"

"Then you kidnap both of them. Boom, problem solved."

"No, not problem solved! This must work a specific way to be executed correctly. We must give our master new power, and a demigod is the best way to do it. Think about it like this. Sacrifice the body, use it against Camp Half-Blood. It'll screw with their emotions and make them easier to overpower. It's simple really. We only kidnap one so they can't fight back. And if it's someone the demigod trusts, it's easier."

I started to realize that I probably should have started actually paying attention to what he's been saying for the months we've been working together. He was smart, very smart.

"Fair enough plan. Now how do we you know, get Will and Nico here? I can't just hog tie Solace and throw him in my cabin. Can I?"

"Give it time. Emotions work in weird ways. Soon enough, both boys will be so heartbroken, they'll need someone to talk to. If we're correct, Will shall come to you, and Nico come to me."

"And what if they don't huh? Last time I checked, Nico never comes out of his cabin anymore."

He laughed. "Don't worry, he will. Now if you want, use somebody your little Hecate magic to speed up the process. Next time we meet, the world will be in our control!" 

"Very well." I concluded. "Thank you."

"No." He said. "Thank you, Celene. You made me realize I made the right call with you."

I nodded and waved my hand through the Iris Message. 

This will be fun.



Hi, it's Gremlin!

So smaller chapter today. I didn't want to tell you guys that much just yet, but soon the real shit will go down. 

And for once it's not in Nico or Will's POV! *cue scary music*

I'm gonna try to get the next chapter in within the next twelve-ish hours, but I have a project I have to do when i get home from school, so no promises.

Anyway vote, comment, and thanks for reading!!!

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