A Chat On The Bathroom Floor

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Trigger Warning: Self harm, anxiety, panic attacks ⚠⚠

Will's POV 

What in Hades just happened?!

When I regained my balance, I contemplated what in Zeus that could have been. No doubt it was something evil attempting to kill off half the population, but that's normal for us. But needless to say after that experience, I decided to get out of this room.

I walked out expecting to Kayla and Zoe, but instead I found the infirmary bustling with activity. Kayla, (who was now tending to an Athena camper with burns) came running up to me.

"Will! Please tell me we have spare ambrosia in the back room." She cried.

"Uh, yeah. I think."

I barely got to finish my sentence before she went running off through the door. When she's gone, I turn to the wounded patient. From what I see, they have burns on there hands and back: normal injuries from the lava wall. The only problem is that the wall doesn't open until 11:00. Two hours from now. . .

"Hey kid." I say to the camper. "What time is it?"

They ponder for a second. "A little after eleven." they conclude.

WHAT!? I've been here for two hours!? I said like, four sentences to that voice! I promised to meet Nico an hour ago! Oh gods. . . Nico.

I sprint out of the infirmary and through camp to the Hades Cabin. I knock, but I don't wait for a reply. I barge in, but don't see Nico anywhere. His room lights were off, but I saw nothing on his bunk.

I give out a sigh. I knew it before I even explored farther. He was in the bathroom.  I turn to the bathroom door, and sure enough, the light was on, and the door was locked. I give it a light knock.

"Hey Neeks? You alright?" I ask lightly. 

I wait a few seconds for a reply. When I don't get one, I knock again.


There's a light shuffle, and the door lock clicks. I open the door, and poke my head into the bathroom. Nico was sitting up against the wall by the door, his head in his knees, and I could see him visibly shaking. I walk over and squat down in front of him. I extend my hand out and touch his shoulder.

"Nico?" I ask in a soothing voice.

He looks up, and tears are falling all down his face. His dark brown eyes are glossy and almost glazed over. He moves so that he's hugging his torso with his arms. Though it looks innocent, the small Italian boy did a pretty bad job and concealing his actual pain.

"Hey? What's wrong? Talk to me." 

More tears fall down his face. "Y-you didn't show up. I tried to find you b-but. . ."

I sit next to him and pull him into my lap. If I learned one thing from Nico, it's that he has severe separation anxiety. And not just from me. When he's visiting Camp Jupiter, he's really attached to his sister, Hazel , as well.

"Did you look in the infirmary?" I whisper in his ear.

He nods. "But there were t-too many people." he confessed.

"And you were already panicking?" I ask.

He gives a small nod. Another thing I've learned. People and a panicking Nico di Angelo don't mix. Ever. That's why most people have often never seen more than a scowl coming off of the kid.

I start rubbing Nico's back. "I was in the back of the infirmary. In the back room. I'm sorry I'm late Nico."

He looks up at me. "But you were an hour late. An entire hour."

I felt guilty as hell. Nico already had intense trust issues.

"I know. I dozed off. I woke up and it was past eleven. I came here as fast I could. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'm sorry for panicking."

I sigh. "Look di Angelo, you don't have to be sorry. It's my fault, okay? Don't worry about it."

"I'm still sorry you have to take care of me like I'm a useless kid or something." he has a hint of anger in his voice as he looks back down.

I grab his chin and force him to look up at me. "Nico Alexander di Angelo. You are not a useless kid. You're just like everyone else here. Actually, you're probably the strongest kid in this entire camp. You lost so much, hell, you made it through Tartarus by yourself, and came out sane. So don't ever think you're useless, okay?"

He was a little startled that I used his middle name, but he understood the message. 

"Now. If you feel comfortable enough, may I please see your wrists?" I ask calmly, but assertively.

He looks at me for a second. 'How did you know?"

"Whenever you cut, you don't move your arms. Remember I pay attention to your body language."

Nico smirked. "Why did that sound  way dirtier than it should have." he laughs.

I felt my face heat up before I smiled. "It probably has something to do with the ADHD." I joke. "Anyway. Wrists. Now di Angelo."

He sighs and holds out his arms. I carefully lift up the sleeves of his hoodie, careful to not hurt him. I saw the cuts, and what I saw was defiantly not what I expected.



Hey it's Gremlin, and Ayyyyy I left y'all on a cliffhanger. 

Anyway enjoy same Nico angst. I tried to write it as best I could, but it's my first story so gimme a break

And if you live in the United States of America (Or anywhere else it's celebrated) HAPPY EASTER LADYS GENTLEMEN AND NONBINARYS!!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

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