Ah Yes, The Underworld

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Nico's Pov

 After that. . . *lovely* experience with Apollo, we made a run for it. Los Angeles was a really big city, but I was just hoping it didn't take us years to find DOA Recording Studios.

"So, that was nice." Will commented sarcastically.

"You think?" I replied. 

He grabbed my hand and we continued walking. "I'm really sorry about my dad, Nico. He's still a little too happy to be a god again."

I moved my hand so our fingers were intertwined; the way I prefer holding hands. I don't know why, but I always preferred that to anything else. It seemed sweeter.

"It's fine. Weird, but fine."

"So here exactly are we going again? I mean, where's the entrance to the Underworld?"

"It's in DOA Recording Studios. Pretty small place, and we have to find it ourselves, mortals don't even know it exists."

"Of course. Because none of this is ever easy." A sigh escaped the blondes lips. "Well, come on then. Lead the way di Angelo."

We kept walking hand-in-hand, through the streets of LA. From what I heard from Percy and Annabeth, Los Angeles was exactly what I expected it to be. A big city like New York, but way more chaos and angry drivers. Like seriously, we almost got ran over three different times, (while on a sidewalk), and this one bitch decided to through a McDonald's cup at us for 'being a public nuisance' for holding hands.

So in conclusion, I hated it. 

After walking for an hour or two, I came a cross a specific landmark: Crusty's Water Bed Palace. Annabeth told me about before we went on the quest, and how it was probably not a good idea to go in. She said last time, she was almost stretched to death on a water bed. She also said that it meant were were close to the entrance of my dad's palace.

Will and I kept walking, occasionally sneaking glances of each other. Gods, we are sappy. Will says it's all in good fun, but I say it messes with my head. There's even an ongoing joke we make, that I'm 'allergic to basic human emotion', which, if you haven't actually met me, is kinda true. 

More walking and glancing later, we made it to a black marble building with gold writing etched into it: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS.

Underneath on the glass doors, it said : NO SOLICITORS. NO LOITERING. NO LIVING.  Inside, the lobby was full of people, and it gave off such a strong aura of death. I already knew everyone in here was dead, but apparently Will didn't, because when he bumped into one and simply walked through, he jumped and grabbed my shoulder.

"Nico!" He screeched over the lobby music. "They're dead!"

"No dip. We're at the entrance to the Underworld, of course they're dead."

"Whatever. Now come on and let's get this over with."

We walked to the reception desk, which I had to get on my tiptoes to see over. 

I looked up at the 'man'. He had chocolate brown skin, sunglasses that covered his eyes, and a sharp Italian suit on.

"Hello Charon." I said. The man looked up from his paperwork and looked up at me and Will.

"Nico. What are you doing here? You of all people should know it's not safe."

I looked stunned. "Well happy to see you too. And what are you talking about? I've been here millions of times before."

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