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Nico's POV

The tree nymphs bring out our food, and everyone starts eating. I pour myself a hot cup of coffee, even though I am absolutely drenched in sweat. I start curiously listening in to the other's conversations. It's nothing much, basically just everyone talking about training.

That's when I feel someone staring at me. Will to be exact.

"Can I help you?" I ask expectantly.

In response, he places a handful of grapes on my empty plate. "Eat."

I look at the grapes with a disgusted face. It's not like I have anorexia or anything; I don't starve myself to be skinny, I know I'm skinny enough, coming in at roughly a hundred pounds, and built like an absolute twig.  I just don't feel like eating when I don't have to.

Will has a stern look on his face, which I try to counter with a sad(ish) face.

"Nope. Not today Di Angelo. Now eat." he demands. 

I give a heavy sigh. 'Fine." I say as I pick up a grape and pop it in my mouth. Will has a proud look on his face.

 "See? Was that so hard?" he asks.

"Yes. Yes it was. It was so unbearingly difficult and I am currently dying due to how fucking hard it was." I answer sarcastically, and with a bit of sass.

" Don't you cuss at me young man." he says jokingly.

"Well first of all, fuck you. Second of all, I am older than all of you combine, so shut your damn mouth." I spit.

He ruffles my hair, and I let out a small smile. Will gives a bigger one, knowing he got me to show some actual emotion.

"I hate you."

"I know you do."

"So he does show emotion?" Percy asks with a smirk.

"Shut up Jackson." I say, now all flustered. Not that I show that I am. I rarely show emotions that aren't. . . undesirable, to say the least.

"What?! It's not my fault you never show emotion. Must have had one heck of a life." he jokes.

Now he just being an ass. He knows damn well I did. He even aided in making my life a living hell, promising to keep my own sister safe.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know!?" I ask rather aggressively.

"Boys! Enough!" scolds Annabeth, eager to stop our bickering. 

We are quick to obey. Annabeth is a pretty nice girl. But even I'd pray for you if you got on her bad side.

"Oh come on! I wanted to see the fight!" Leo whines, holding his bowl of cereal like a bag of popcorn.

I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever Valdez." 

We continue eating, and I continue sipping my coffee. I slowly eat my grapes, and soon enough, there are no more left on my plate. 

"So are you guys excited for capture the flag tonight?" Annabeth asks, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh yeah!" Piper announces. We are so gonna pulverize you!"

"In your dreams McLean." interjects Percy.

I don't have much to add to this conversation. Sure, I enjoy capture the flag, but kids aren't always happy to have me on their team. It's not like I'm going to send them into the Underworld or something, they just think I will, saying Hades is my father and such. Don't get me wrong, Hades isn't the best guy, but he won't kill you if you make one stupid mistake.

And trust me, if he did, I'd be dead multiple times over. 

"So Nico." Will says trying to get my attention. "Do you have any plans before capture the flag today?" he asks.

"Depends. Are you generally interested, or do you just want to hang out?" I say.

". . . Both?"

I sigh. "I need to go to sword training with Percy, but after, yes, we can hang out."

He smiles, showing off his brilliantly white teeth. "Awesome!"

"Awwww. Y'all are planning a date!" cooed Piper. I give her a death stare. 

"Oh come on, I'm an expert at dates! My mom is literally the goddess of love!" she insists.

'Thanks but no thanks McLean." I say.

She rolls her eyes. 'Okay, but don't come running to me when you need some expert wedding advice." she says, causing both me and Will to go bright red.

Thankfully, Chiron blows the conch shell, indicating the end of breakfast. 

"I'll meet you in an hour?" I ask Will.

"Your cabin?" 


I follow Percy to the arena as Will goes a separate way to the infirmary. 



Hi, it's Gremlin!

Yes, there is a bunch of cute fluff between the two adorable gays of camp, but things are about to get interesting!

Also if you've read The Burning Maze, please brace yourself for the next chapter, it might get a little sad.

Thanks for reading!!!!

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