Capture The Flag (Spoiler Alert: We lost)

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Nico's POV

After talking with Will, we did in fact establish the fact that we have a relationship, and some boundaries that we set up for the future. For me, I said no extreme make-outs, (Though kissing was a big yes), no 'sexual touching' because sex is gross and I'm biologically still a minor, and even though I technically did say 'I love you', I wanted to refrain from using that phrase until I was ready. But I did still let Will say it, because I thought it was cute and adorable. (If anyone asks, you didn't hear it from me).

And Will, being the accepting person he is, promised to follow everything I wanted, as long as he got cuddles. Which I happily agreed, until we started arguing about who was the big or little spoon.

'I'm not a spoon Solace. I'm a knife, and I'm going to stab you if you don't shut up."

"Just get the fuck over here and cuddle me."

I scooted over and laid down on his chest as he pulled me closer. "Asshole."

He wrapped his arms around my torso. "Love you too."

I snuggled closer and let myself relax. It felt good, letting go all of the years of built-up tension. I slowly let my eyes close, safely in the embrace of my boyfriend.

Only to be woken up by an intense knock on my door. Gods dammit. I carefully made my way out of Will's arms and to my door. I opened it and found Clarisse LaRue standing outside. I looked at her with a perplexed expression. 

"Don't look at me like that di Angelo. I'm only here because I lost a bet. Now come on." She snapped.

"Come on for what?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Capture the flag idiot. Now hurry it up. I need to find Solace too."

"Oh um, Will's kinda. . . " I gestured behind me.

"Of course." She scoffed. "Hurry it up you fucking twink." She said as she turned around and sprinted away.

I closed the turn and turned around, coming face to face with a sleepy Will Solace.

"Did she just call you a twink?" He asked.

I laugh. "Yes Solace, she did. Now come on we have capture the flag."

Will's eyes went wide. "Fuck! Kayla borrowed my bow and I don't have an extra."

"Just get it back from her."

"There's no way in Tartarus she's giving it back today."

Will ran his hands through his golden-blonde hair. I looked around my cabin. For tonight, I was using my Stygian-iron sword, but I knew I had my old sword somewhere.

"Wait here." I said as I ran over to my dresser. I opened my drawer and dug through my shirts. At the bottom was a camp-issued sword from when I was ten, but I guess it would work just fine. 

"There you go." I said handing the sword to Will. He took it and spun it in his hand. He wasn't as agile as I was with a weapon, but if worst comes to worst, he could defend himself.

"My boyfriend just gave me a sword. How romantic." He joked, still inspecting the sword.

"Do you need armour too? I think I have a spare set. " I asked. 

"Nah, I have my own. I'll go get it and meet you there?" He asked.


He started walking out the door, before doubling back. "I almost forgot."

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