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Sabal's POV

I sat by the fire with a joint when Jai walked in the house with a letter. He had a funny smirk on his face so I could only imagen what Zane said back. I took another hit of my joint and read the note out loud so that both Jai and I could read.

"Dear Sabal, I am grateful to say your words have found me well, however I humbly invite you to place your lips on thy Erector instead, your favorite cousin Zane" sighed with a smily face.

Jai just about laughed but kept his composure and instead just smirked to himself.

"Bruh, did he just politely tell you to suck his dick"

Jai's POV

Sabal lifted his head from the letter and raised a brow in confusion, speaking as if he were talking to Zane.
"My guy, that's not even the correct era"
He rolled his eyes and grabbed a new piece of paper and some ink.
He dipped a brush and began to write, when he was done he read what he wrote out loud for both of us.

"Dear my colorful worded cousin, I am prepared to come find you and talk this out weather you like it or not. I will see you in a week Zane" he than pet the bird with love and attached a fresher piece of clothing from Zane inside of the pouch around its leg, so that the bird can correctly find him.

The bird than took off into the direction of the Nordic lands.

Sabal's POV

Jai jokingly laughed and jabbed me in the arm as he took the joint to take a hit. "Bruh you gunna let your little cousin talk to you like that" he said with a chuckle.

I gestured my hand in a no big deal kind of way. "Naaah, it's just his sense of humor, he'll be here"

Jai inhaled, paused, than exhaled into the air.
"I don't know him that well, the dude has always given off a get the fuck away from me type vibe"

I just about threw my head back in laughter before I stole the joint back from him.
"That's literally just resting bitch face, Zane always looks pissed off"

"He had killed the ones who had stolen a member of our pack" I added, "he's in love with a girl from the other side of our village, she just moved in and they have been kinda nice on each other"

Jai furrowed his brow and looked confused. "Bruh, they are the ones I saw in the woods weeks back, he had her pinned against a tree and just going to town"

I looked up at Jai concerned like. "What do you mean he had her pinned?"

"Yea dude, he called her his pet, she looked scared" said Jai suspiciously but concerned.

"You don't think he's?" I said not wanting to say the words before (her).

"No, let's change the topic" I said once Jai just made a face that suggested that he was saying yes.

"I'm going to go home tho buddy, let me know what happens after your done talking with Zane next week"

With that he stepped out and waved before closing the door.

Pain in my ass that's what the fuck you are Zane. I mumbled to myself before putting out the joint for another time.

I didn't understand Zane and I never really have. Every time I think I have him figured out, boom there he is doing or saying something even worse, I swear to god that guy has no goddamn filter. I paused for a second continuing to talk to myself. Words and actions. I added as I stared at the fire rolling my eyes in thought.

I don't want to have to track his spooky ass down across the nordic mountains, a fucking psycho path is what he acts like.

Something in me has wished for a long time that he would just one day calm down. But here I am wrong again.

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