Luna's brothers

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Zane's POV

There was a knock at the door and I left bed to go answer it.

Standing at the door was 2 pale skinned men (Luna's brothers)

"What's up, your little sister got lost last night, she was sleep walking and she stumbled upon Sabal in the Forrest, we didn't wanna wake her up and risk triggering a panic attack, so she slept over in my bed, I assure you she was well taken care of" I said as I rubbed my tired eyes.

The 2 men looked at me through suspicious eyes.

"She slept in YOUR bed" said one of them, they both crossed their arms over their chests.

"It wasn't like that, I'm a gentlemen, she slept in my bed, I slept on the floor." I said as I opened the door wide for them to step in.

"I was just about to wake her up for some breakfast, Sabal went off to the fields to work early dis morning, if you'd like you can join us?" I asked make sure it was an invitation and not a suggestion.

The 2 men stepped in and looked around as I calmly walked to my room waking Luna up.

"Hey, your brothers are here, they were worried, if they ask, you slept in my bed and I slept on the floor" I whispered as she rubbed her eyes.

We both walked out into the kitchen and I immediately went to the kitchen and started to cook.

"How does fruit, bacon, and sausage sound?" I asked as I got out various pans and plates.

"Sounds good" said Luna and her brothers didn't seem to care so that's what I made.

Her brothers I could tell looked back and me than directed their attention to their little sister.

"Why did you leave last night" said her brother Fae, and her other brother, Nate had the same question but didn't voice it.

"I had a night terror, I wandered out without knowing it and I got lost, I bumped into Sabal who took me in so that I was safe for the night, Zane and I stayed up and told each other stories and than insisted on me sleeping in his bed while he took the floor"

I placed the food in front of each person and than sat politely in front of my plate and waited till they were finished talking before I started eating.

"I humbly thank you for taking care of our little sister Zane, and we would like to also thank Sabal for looking after her in the Forrest" said Fae with a smile before Nate cut in.

"This land is a big land, and the vampires still have their ways of sneaking through, it's dangerous for a women to be out that late alone"

"I very much agree sir, your sister was a pleasure to have as a visitor, you and your family are always welcome over any time of day or night" I said shaking both their hands.

I didn't completely lie. Luna did have a nightmare, and she did run into Sabal, and Sabal did take her back here, I just left out the part where she wanted specifically me.

And even if Sabal does happen to tell them that she wasn't lost, that wouldn't be on me as I couldn't have possibly known for sure if she actually got lost because I wasn't there in the Forrest with them when he found her.

I couldn't tell them I slept in the bed with her because me and Luna have only known each other a week and they have no clue that we are together.

God I hate being the black sheep of this land, I'm always the "bad" boy I swear I'm misunderstood, I really am.

"Is it ok if I invite your little sister over for card games with me tonight?" I asked with a friendly smile.

"That depends on your intentions" asked Fae as both brothers finished their meals.

"I assure you, no bad intentions, your sister and I have just become good friends last night during our talk, and I'm trying to be friendly"

They both smiled and looked at Luna. "It's up to her" they both said happily.

"Of course, I accept"

"Ok see you at, 5:00?, I'll walk you back home at 7:00?" I said shifting my focus to Fae and Nate.

"It sounds like a solid plan" they both said happily. They walked out the door and turned their attention to their little sister before they left. "Go get dressed we will meet you outside"

Luna went and got dressed and as she walked back out I met her with a hug. "Bring some clean quarts with you tonight and we will do tarot cards, do not collect alone, bring what you have"

Luna nodded and smile before walking out to her brothers.

I leaned against the door and sighed a breath of relief. "God I'm so fucking lucky I talked my way out of that" I whispered to myself.

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