Romans home

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Roman didn't bother to wipe Sean's blood from his face as he stared down at me.

"I haven't told you my name yet" I said as I bowed to him.

Roman pulled me to my feet by the back of my neck.

"I already know your name, you don't have to bow to me unless I tell you to" he said with a smile before running his finger through the blood on his face than tasting it.

"Mmm, bitter" he said as he looked to the ceiling than back down at me.

"So what are you a vampire now?" I asked with a shy giggle

"Hmm, you're a cute little thing aren't you" he chuckled as he pinched my cheek.

"Let's get out of here" he said as he stepped over Sean's dead body, looking down at it than at me.

I ran after the strong man as he flung the doors open to the night air.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked through the Forrest with him.

"We are going to the Forrest I live in, tons of people like me, we live in both worlds, the mortal world is where we go when summoned and to hunt and the dimension I am from is full of demons warriors and vampires who look for cute little pets like you" he said with a smile.

"So I'm leaving my home for a different dimension?" I asked.

He turned to me and looked down at me.

"Well sweetheart, you gave me your soul, you are mine"

I smiled and grinned an evil grin.

"What if I refuse to go"

He looked to the night sky with a smile before turning around and grabbing my neck.

"You don't have a fucking choice" he said with a growl.

I looked up at him with innocence.
Wow, a man who actually responds to my way of flirting. I said in my mind as the strong man still held my neck. He didn't apply any kind of pressure that would hurt me. And that told me he wasn't planning on doing anything to hurt me.

He looked down at me still and got close to my face and whispered into my ear.

"Do I make myself clear cutie?" He said with a blank expression that slowly turned into a grin.

"Picture perfect" I said with a whisper.

He let me go and we were suddenly in a different Forrest.

The blood was still on his face as we walked passed the many people who walked together. Some walked in groups of only men and some walked in groups of only women. And there were many men who walked with girls by their sides.

One of the lone men looked at Roman and chuckled.

"You finally found one I see" he said as he glanced at me only for a second.

"Yea, this one sold me her soul, I killed the pathetic ass whipe who was beating on her" said Roman.

The man glanced at me than at Roman. "May I speak to your girl" he said politely.

Roman looked down at me and turned his back to the man in front of him.

"Do you wish to speak to a friend of mine?" He asked politely.

"I do"

Roman took me in front of him and placed his strong hand upon my shoulder.

"You may speak"

The man in front of me looked down at me.

"Do you feel safe with your master, did the man who hurt you suffer?"

He asked with a calm voice.

"I feel safe now that, that monster is gone" I replied shyly.

"That's good" he said as he stepped back "later on you can meet my girl, here in the realms of Cain, we are all family and friends"

He walked away and left me and Roman to walk away as well.

"Is it true that everybody here are family and friends?" I asked as Roman and I walked.

"No, not in the slightest, just like in the mortal world, there is evil everywhere, some masters treat their women like shit, but that's not me, I'm a rough lover" he said as he lit a cigarette.

We soon arrived at Romans home. It was a tiny little cabin with wind chimes and a front porch that held various ash treys sitting next to a plain looking chair that looked very well used. It looked comfortable and it told me a lot about him as we approached.

The house was dark as we entered and he turned on a few lights that lit the way to his bedroom where we went right away.

His room was spacious with a giant alter of many different crystals, bones, wands, and what I know to spell bottles and potions that sat neatly in rows labeled with various symbols and markings.

I stood in the door way as he payed in his bed with his legs crossed over one another and his arms behind his head. He patted the spot next to him giving me an intimidating but yet friendly grin.

I shyly made my way over to the bed and laid next to him.

His grin slowly stretched from ear to ear as a slow growl rumbled in his throat. With a quickness he snapped his teeth at me.

"Careful darling, I BITE" I jumped and he broke out in friendly laughter.

"It's a good thing you're afraid of me darling, I wouldn't know how to please you if I couldn't scare you" he said glancing at me through the hair that rested over his face.

"You don't scare me mr Roman" I snapped my teeth back making a girly growl.

He quickly rolled over top of me, pinning my arms down.

"Oh I don't huh?" He said as he traced his finger down my face and to my lips.

I shook my head in shyness trying not to show my submission.

"Oh but I think my little cutie is scared" he said as he smiled yet another intimidating grin.

"I think I like your smile" I said scrunching up my nose and poking my fingers into his dimples.

"Rawr" I said in the least intimidating way.

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