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Roman and I went in his room and he paced around the room in deep thought.

I laid on his bed and stared at him in wonder with my chin resting on my hands.

He mumbled to himself and seemed to even argue with himself.

He turned to me and just stared before he spoke.

"While we were out I got a vision"

I raised a brow and smiled.
"Oh so you're physic now?" I asked jokingly.

He glared at me with a serious look.

"Now is not the time for jokes" he said slowly as he closed his eyes trying to hide his panic.

He stopped dead in his sentence and sat by his alter lighting various candles and crushing up different spices as he scratched a symbol in the middle with his finger nails. He placed various crystals in a very specific way around the symbol. Reaching in his shirt pocket he carefully placed a peace of blue sea glass in the middle.

I watched in awe as he sat cris cross and folded his hands in his lap.

He sat in the same position for what seemed to be hours and hummed beautiful songs, no words just sound.

Roman's POV

After I set up my alter for meditation, I began my ritual to talk to Mani, the Moon God.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself sitting on a blue sea of crystals. I looked to the sky and called to him where I saw his face looking down.

Smiling down at me was Mani.

"My child, I have a very important task for you" he said with such wisdom.

"I have carried you through many many lives, my next task for you is to be done in another life."

I looked up to him in confusion.

"But Mani, I have found love, I can't leave my love"

Mani laughed a joyous laugh.

"I see my child, you have found love, I will not separate true love, preform my ritual and you shall open a portal to the next life, ready your love and she shall come with you into the next life. Your task will be to form a mighty army within the Nordic mountains, your soul will no longer be one of a demon but of a beautiful, mighty wolf as well as your love. To open the portal, get 2 mirrors and place them directly in front of each other, take your love hand in hand and sing the song of the moon. This song will open a portal in which you will step inside and you both will reincarnate as babies, you will be reincarnated into a wolf land within the southern forests, you will know who your love is for she will be the old women with Blue hair by the name of Luna, once you have won her love, you shall began your journey to the nordic mountains."

With that he was gone and I was sucked back into my body where I saw Rain watching in awe. Her eyes were wide and steady on what I was doing.

"Rain, I have to preform a ritual with you"

Rain's POV

I leapt to my feet and stood in front of him.

"What kind of ritual"

"My God has given me the task to reincarnate myself and you into a wolf land, we will be babies again and grow up within the same wolf tribe, and I have to form a mighty army, our souls will be wolfs" he said in such panicked speed.

"Wait, but I'm scared" I said with a tremble.

Roman walked up to me and seemed genuinely frustrated.

"Rain, if we don't do this we won't be together" he said in anger "are you in or do I have to undo what I did for you, I know how to undo it and send you back to Sean" he said hanging his head worried that he would have to.

"Yes, I'll go with you" I said with a shaky voice.

"Ok" he said as he placed 2 mirrors in front of each other. He stood in the middle and gestured me to stand in front of him. With that he held both of my hands where there was a clear white crystal in both of his hands. He closed his eyes and started singing the most beautiful song. His voice was like heaven on earth as it was deep and lulled my soul to its core. Before I knew it the hairs on both our arms were standing up and goose bumps rose upon our pale skin. I closed my eyes and it felt like our souls were one.

Before my eyes was a beautiful mighty wolf with deep blue eyes that glowed like beautiful nordic lights within the midnight sky. The wolf howled and it sounded just like Romans singing. He placed a kiss upon my lips and it seemed as if time was spinning all around us. We flew through skies of multi colored stars where northern lights surrounded us. We danced upon the constellations and

In the distance was the sound of 2 babies crying.

Twin Flames 18+|Where stories live. Discover now