The deal

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Sean was asleep on the couch as I still sat in his bedroom in the middle of the floor.

I closed my eyes and began my practice.

through my closed eyes I pictured a grassy field where I was trying to contact the dead.

"Dear my friend Rom, I summon thee, I summon thee for protection and guidance, I need your help as I am stuck" I opened my eyes and a man appeared before me. He looked like Rom but his eyes were different. Rom's eyes were green as the man who stood before me, his eyes were blue.

"Dom?" I said in a weary tone of voice.

The man walked closer. "I'm not Dom, but I can help get rid of the prick for you"

"And how do I know you're not a demon trying to trick me" I said crossing my arms, still sitting on the ground looking at the man who looked like Dom.

The man laughed a friendly laugh. "Well because dear, I'm real and in the flesh" he said as he patted himself on the chest making thuds against his flesh.

"Yea but, Dom is dead" I said looking at the ground.

The man rolled his eyes with a smile and snapped his fingers. When I looked back up at him he was now a tall muscular man with mid length black hair and blue eyes. His face was chiseled and his lips were a deep red.

"Is this better" he said smiling with cute dimples.

I loosened my tension and dropped my arms from my chest.

"Yea but, you still haven't told me how you're going to fix my problem, you're obviously not a physical being" I said in kind of a flirtatious way.

His eyes grew wide and he started banging his fist on the wall facing where Sean slept on the couch on just the other side.

"Am I still not physical" he said smiling, trying to prove himself.

Before I knew it the man in front of me walked over to the door and locked it, not long after Sean was banging on the door.

"Look what you've done, you woke up my abuser" I said in a non scared way.

The man glanced at the shaking door and rolled his eyes before looking back at me.

He waved his hand at the door and spoke "HIII SEEEAAAN!!!" He mocked as he looked back at me. "I told you, I can get rid of him"

Sean stopped banging on the door but now he was violently trying to break the door down.

"Open the fucking door, who's in there!!" He was yelling at the top of his lungs.

The strong man rolled his eyes and banged back harder. "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS ASS WHIPE!!" He yelled back over powering Sean's yells.

He looked back at me as Sean continued to yell from the other side of the door.

"My name is Roman, and you summoned me" he said as he glanced at the door from the corners of his eyes looking back at me crossing his arms over his chest.

"I didn't summon you, I summoned my friend"

"Darling, you're friend went to heaven, you were dabbling in the wrong realms, do you want me to help or not?"

I nodded my head through the screams of Sean outside the locked door.

"It comes with a price, if you don't accept the price, that man on the other side of the door is gunna kill you" he said as he stood with his arms crossed.

"What's the price?"

"The price is your soul" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh just my soul huh?" I said with sarcasm.

The strong man than revealed a vision of what was on the other side of the door.

Sean stood at the door with a gun clinched tightly in his hand with his ear pressed against the door.

"Accept or decline" he said calmly with an eye roll.

"Fine, I accept"

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