The search for Luna

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Zane's POV

The clock eventually read 5:30 and Luna still wasn't here.

I sat and wondered why she hadn't shown up yet so I left the house at 6:00 to go see if she was still at home.

I knocked on the door and her brother Fae answered with confusion.

"Is Luna here, she never showed up for cards" I said glancing through the open door trying to see if she was there"

Fae looked even more confused as I spoke.

"Luna left hours ago at about 4:30, she said something about not having quarts and that she was heading to your place" he said crossing his arms.

Just than I realized where she went but it still didn't explain why she never showed up.

"Damnit I told her not to collect that without me" I said out loud.

"Why was she collecting stones Zane"

"The stones are part of the card game, I told her to bring some, but I specifically told her not to collect any alone and that if she didn't have any we could use a different stone" I said running my hands down my face with exhaustion.

"Damnit, Luna never listens, she thinks she's invincible" yelled Nate from inside the tree house.

They were both outside now and worried beyond words.

"We will search around the main areas of the Forrest, you search over by the falls where the stones are found, if she isn't found in 30 minutes alert the other men and we will preform a search of all surrounding lands, we will send Jai out to the fields to alert Sabal" said her brothers as they leapt out of the trees.

"If I find her I will preform a howl of alert"

"Good idea, if we have no luck within 30 minutes, we will sound our howl to retreat back here where we will gather our men for a all out search" said Nate as he ran through the Forrest.

I made my way to the falls and it was completely dark and there was no sight of anybody. "Luna!!" I yelled through my hands to create a loud voice but there was nothing but silence. I made my way to the water and found both the stones scattered in a pile and several strands of dark blue hair that meant there was a struggle. I scooped up the hair and placed it in my pocket as I sounded my howl as loud as I could.

It didn't take long for most of our men to gather around me.

"Bad news, I found the crystals scattered as if she had dropped them suddenly and than these strands of her hair, she was definitely taken by one of the vampires, none of our people would ever harm each other, it's not in our blood" I said as I revealed the large amounts of hair.

Her brothers both broke out in violent sobs but quickly composed themselves and stood tall.

"Ok, we are preforming a search through out the lands, you look most like a vampire Zane, we need you to go into the lands of the vampires and do all that you can to get her" said her brother Nate.

"That's a good idea" with that Sabal came running through the Forrest.

"What happened?" He said with concern.

"Luna was taken by the vampires, I'm going to search their land as I look like them and you guys are going to search our lands just in case she got lost or hurt somewhere within our own land"

Sabal shook his head. "No, absolutely not, if you are going to their lands, I'm coming with you"

"Sabal, you can't come with me, you look nothing like a vampire and they will fucking kill you, I practice magic and can easily convince them that I am one of theirs, please just have faith in me this one fucking time"

"Fine, but you better be careful" he said as he ran through the Forrest with the others.

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