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Derek wiped his brow once again with his handkerchief. It was hot today...it was never hot in Seattle. Today, it had decided to swelter. He looked at his watch. She was late...ten minutes late. God, he hoped she hadn't changed her mind. After three years, she never ceased to amaze him with how her brain worked. It had been a great three years though, filled with humor and warmth and laughter and the occasional freak out and now...it was filled with anticipation and hormones...Oh yes, all the hormones. He thought she used the excuse of them to get her way...on anything from wall colors to landscaping to food choices...apparently she hadn't figured out that all she had to do was look at him with those beautiful eyes and he would give her the moon.

Mark nudged him and Derek was startled out of his thoughts. He looked at Mark, who nodded towards the sudden flurry of activity at the French doors.

Izzie flowed out first, graceful and smiling serenely, walking towards Derek, Mark and George. She stopped in her place and turned toward the door.

Cristina came out next, not as graceful as she didn't 'do' heels, her face expressionless. She to stopped at her place but before turning to the door to watch Meredith, she winked at Derek with a slight smile on her face. They had made peace and although they would never be friends, they were at least friendly.

There was a slight delay, just enough to get Derek sweating even more profusely. Mark leaned closer to him.

"I have Scotch...just in case." He whispered.

Derek gave him a scathing look that said 'what the fuck?'. Mark shrugged.

"I was just trying to be helpful, you know in case she runs." He pointed out.

"Shut up.' Derek hissed. "You are the worst best man ever."

The flautist stopped and performed a sudden swell of music, which had Derek and George rolling their eyes.

"Izzie." They stated simultaneously.

Derek looked expectantly towards the door and his breath caught. His Meredith walked in, her arm clutching Alex's, her eyes unsure until they met with his. He smiled encouragingly and her eyes shone brightly with happiness.

This was the moment that had taken six long years to get too.

All the heartache...

All the longing...

All the blessings...

All the love...

Cumulated into this one moment.

In no time at all Meredith was at his side, exactly where she belonged. He took her from Alex, who kissed her on the cheek and took his place next to George.

"You look breathtaking." He told her.

She smiled softly and blushed, still not able to take a compliment.

"Thank you."

"I love you.' He declared. "I can't wait for forever...with you."

Tears glistened in her emerald orbs.

"And I can't wait for forever with you and our daughter." She said softly and then looked at him expectantly.

"Daughter?" He said in awe. He had missed the ultrasound yesterday due to a massive car accident and she hadn't mentioned it and with everything going on, he had forgotten to ask.

"Yeah." She breathed.

He took her face in both hands and pulled her lips to his, devouring her in front of everyone. Their guests and wedding party twittered and chuckled.

The minister cleared his throat.

"I haven't gotten to that part yet." He whispered.

Meredith looked at him serenely.

"No, but we finally have." She remarked and then swooped in to kiss Derek again.

okay guys this concludes this story. once again this story does not belong to me it belongs to 'mrsmcdreamy29' from the site tapatalk and the board 'surgical language' written in 2009. i hope you guys enjoyed this story a new fic will be up soon!

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