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Derek walked beside Meredith stealing glances every few seconds as if she would disappear into thin air. The day had been tense and now they were headed home...separately of course. He just had so much to say to her, but if her clenched jaw and icy expression were anything to go by, she was not in any mood to listen to him. But he had to try.

"Mer..." He started.

"Do not finish that sentence. If you value your life at all, you will keep your mouth shut." She said slowly, her voice full of venom.

They entered into the elevator and to her chagrin it was empty. New York City of all places and no one felt the need to use the damn elevator? She stood as far away from him as possible. On one hand, she was afraid she would kill him and on the other, she was afraid she would jump into his arms. His presence unnerved her. He was still as gorgeous as ever, slightly older. He was what 42 now? It looked good on him. He looked different though...oh wait, it had to be the overpriced three piece designer suit. Her Derek didn't like suits. He dressed more casual. But he was gone and he had been for three years, she reminded herself. This was not her Derek, this was some expensive version of her Derek and it would serve her best to remember that. She already didn't have her heart, she couldn't let him have her soul too. Loving him had come with a price. A very high price. She wasn't willing to pay it again.

Derek stood on the other side of the elevator with his eyes closed. She smelled the same. When he walked into that conference room, her scent had billowed around him. He thought he was going crazy for a moment. Seeing Alex had stunned him. His hatred, palpable. Because Derek had hurt his girlfriend. He cringed. She was Alex's now. Not his. The pain was crippling. He was having a hard time breathing he realized as he concentrated on breathing in and out in a slow and easy pattern. He had spent the last three years trying to tell himself he had made the right decision by letting her go, that what he had felt for her was only lust. It was impossible to fall in love with someone after only two months. It was impossible to find your soulmate in a one night stand. He had told himself that the agony he was feeling was because Addie had betrayed him. That it wasn't Meredith that had him twisted up in knots. It had taken one second of seeing her again to finally convince himself she was the reason for the agony. And now he was too late. She had moved on, rightfully so.

The elevator opened and Dr. Gregory stepped in. He stood between the two doctors and felt the overwhelming tension. He looked back and forth between them wondering what was up with them.

"Did something happen that I need to know about?" He asked.

"No." They said simultaneously as they both shook their heads. He thought for a minute. They were acting like they were mad at each other. They had only known each other for seven hours. He knew Derek wasn't the friendliest person but he was sure that Meredith had plenty of practice handling difficult people if her mother had been any indication. Another though occurred to him.

"Do you two know each other? I mean before today?"

The elevator doors slid open. Meredith turned and looked at Dr. Gregory and then at Derek. She took in his overly expensive clothes and thought back on his demeanor with their patients and with the staff today. He had been downright rude to just about everyone, except her.

"No sir. I can honestly say I have never met this man before." She exited the elevator and disappeared into the sea of people leaving for the day.

Derek banged his head against the elevator wall for a moment unaware of the looks his chief was giving him. How the hell was he going to get through this?


"Alex?" Mer called out as she entered the apartment.

"Hey. Nice to see you made it out in one piece." Alex said leaning in his bedroom doorway.

"Don't be so sure about that." She whispered her voice breaking.

Alex crossed over to her and led her to her bed. He laid down beside her and wrapped his arms around her shaking body and held her as she sobbed.

"Shhhh...just let it all out. It is going to be fine. I promise." He crooned to her.

After about thirty minutes, she looked up at him, embarrassed.

"I am so sorry. This is the second time I have gotten your shirt wet in as many days."

"Don't worry about it." He said looking at her concerned.

"I'm okay." She assured him.

"You're okay." He swept her hair out of her face and smiled at her.

"Alex.." She hesitated.


"You kissed me..."

Alex laughed. Leave it to Mer to bring that up.

"Mer...I...yes I kissed you. Do you want me to apologize? I thought I was helping you save face. That and I really hate that guy for what he did to you."

"No it's okay. I just...you are like my brother. And it was a good kiss. I liked it and now I feel...weird."

"Mer, I am sorry if you felt uncomfortable..."

"No! I was just wondering if it wasn't too weird for you, maybe you could do it again."

"What? Mer, I don't think that is a good idea."

"I don't want to date you or sleep with you Alex...I just want him to think that we are dating."

"He already thinks that Mer." Alex pointed out.

"I know...I want him to keep on thinking it for the duration of the three months. I need you to be my...my..." She stopped as she searched for the appropriate term.

"Shield. You want me to be your shield."

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Sure. I would do just about anything for you Grey. You know that."

"Thank you Alex." She breathed, as the tears started coming again.

He held her until she fell asleep and then covered her up, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. He then shut her door and grabbed his phone, quickly dialing the familiar number. The person answered after the second ring.

"Yang, we have a problem."

hey guys welcome to the new story! a lot of you guys requested a story that was similar to 'who would have thought' so here it is. enjoy!!

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