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"Are you okay?" Derek asked Meredith. He still held her in his arms, where she had fallen when the elevator stooped. He couldn't see her which bothered him. He never knew how she was feeling unless he could see her eyes. Every emotion reflected into the deep green pools. He felt her pull away and straighten up. He instantly missed her.

"I'm fine. What happened?" She asked, trying to see anything in the pitch black darkness.

"It was probably the storm. I will call them on the elevator phone and see how long we will be here." He moved slowly and searched blindly along the wall until he felt the phone.

"No dial tone." He reported.

"Great. That is just...wonderful." She said pacing blindly in her frustration. She couldn't be stuck with him in an elevator. She had enough trouble being with him in a patient's room.

"Are you claustrophobic Mer?" He asked concerned. He didn't want her to hypervinalate and then pass out.

"No...I just have to get...I have plans with my vi...Alex. I don't want to be late." Meredith rambled. God she did not want him to know about the vibrator.

"Oh...yeah I forgot about him. Or I was trying very hard to anyway." He said.

"Well...don't. We are happy...very happy." She stressed.

"I am glad...you deserve to be happy. That is all I ever wanted for you." He said sadly. "I just wish I could have been the one to make you that way."

Meredith slid down the wall and took deep breaths to keep her tears at bay.

"It is my own fault, I know that. I chose wrong and now I have to pay for it." Derek continued, also sitting down.

Silence engulfed them for a few minutes.

"I was happy with you." Meredith said softly. "It was the first time in my life that I felt like I could be...normal and have a normal relationship. I loved you Derek and I..."

"I left you. I am sorry Mer." Derek said.

"I am sorry too, that you left me." Meredith said, laughing slightly.

"But now you have Alex."

"Yeah I have Alex and he is...great." Meredith confirmed, trying to inject enthusiam in her voice about her faux boyfriend. She was going to go to hell for lying.

"Do you love him...like you loved me?" Derek asked, desperately wanting to know.

"Derek, I..."

His phone ringing interrupted her answer. He forgot about his cell phone. He answered it instantly not checking who it was.


"Derek I need to talk to you." Mark said.

"Not now Mark...we are stuck in an elevator. I need you to get someone to help us get out."

"Who is we?" Mark asked.

"Me and Meredith. The power went out or something."

"You are stuck in an elevator with Meredith. Interesting. She is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about."

"I have already made my opinion on that very clear." Derek hissed, referring to him knocking Mark to the ground.

"Trust me Derek, you want to hear this."

"What is it?"

"Meredith hasn't been honest with you. Her and Vagina-Boy...not a couple. As in not screwing, Mer has a date with a vibrator because she is so horny...not together. She is playing you Derek."

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