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Cristina paced the apartment. Back and forth, back and forth. Alex watched her amused and frankly a bit irritated. He had been watching the game, but every 8 seconds Cristina paced in front of the TV.

"Where the hell is she?" Cristina huffed.

"Why do you care?" He asked.

"Why don't you?" She retorted.

"Mer is a big girl, Yang. She can take care of herself. Quit being all Mama Bear...it is very disturbing." He said.

"She is with him, I know it." She said narrowing her eyes. "I am so going to bust her when she gets home."

"If she comes home. I hear they used to have some really radical sex." Alex taunted.

Cristina growled at him.

Alex grinned.

"Again, why do you care? Oh...wait. Are you in love with her? Do you have girly feelings for your 'person'..." He teased.

Cristina stopped pacing. She turned to him very slowly.

"You have figured out my secret." She said seriously.

Alex sat up straight.

"Really? Cause that would be so hot." He said hopefully.

Cristina walked up to him very slowly and...slapped him hard on top of his head.

"I am not a lesbian, you horny toad! I just don't want to have to deal with the whining, and the throwing up, and the long talks about feelings, and did I mention the whining?" She exclaimed.

Alex rubbed his head.

"You didn't have to get me all excited if you weren't going to deliver." He grumbled.

"You really need to get laid...hmmm...maybe you and Mer..." Crisina thought out loud.

"No! I will pretend to date her and to sleep with her, I will hold her when she needs comforting and all that girl shit, but I am not going to screw one of my friends. Besides she loves him. Do you really think I want to be second best?" Alex protested.

"Why did you have to go and get all...human?" She spat out.

'You might want to try it sometime Yang."

"Um...no." She said as she continued pacing.


"Well...I had a nice time tonight." Meredith said, as they exited the bar.

"It doesn't have to end yet... I mean if you don't want it to." Derek said hopefully. "We could go for a walk...it's a nice night."

"Oh! Um...okay. I'd like that." She accepted, knowing she was playing with fire. He started walking north and she fell in beside him. They walked in silence for several minutes. He suddenly stopped and she looked at him inquisitively. They were in front of a brownstone.

"This was my house when I was married to Addison." He said quietly.

Meredith raised her eyebrows. Seriously? He brought her here?

"Um..." Was all Meredith could get out.

"I just wanted you to see it." He said.

"You wanted me to see the house you shared with the wife you left me for?" She said trying to make sense of it.

"No, I wanted you to see the place where I spent the last three years being miserable. The place where I dreamt of you, wished for you, wanted you. It was always you...from the moment we met. I know we are only friends...now, but I wanted you to know that even though I did this to us, I suffered too."

Meredith searched his eyes. She saw honesty, longing and pain reflected in them.

"I know." She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. He then walked them across the street to Central Park, not letting go of her hand. She found that she didn't mind at all.


Two hours later, they were in front of her apartment building.

"Well, this is me." Meredith said.

"Yeah. Thank you for going out with me." He replied.

"Yeah, no problem. I mean you're welcome. It was nice and...nice." Meredith rambled.

Derek chuckled.

"I missed that." He said.

"Missed what?"

"The rambling. It is very cute. I also miss the snoring." He teased.

"What? I do not snore. What is with you and Alex?" She exclaimed.

"I hate to break it to you, but you do...loudly. Like full force truck driver on the freeway...kind of snoring. You could win awards." He said, keeping his face serious.

Meredith hit him.

"Ass! Well, you have morning breath and...and...stupid hair."

"My hair is awesome, yours could use some work. I have plenty of hair products if you want to use them."

"There is nothing wrong with my hair...ok, I have some split ends, but it is blond, and long, and it smells good." She said.

"Says who?" He wondered, biting his cheek to keep from laughing.

"Well, you certainly had no problem sniffing me like you were a dog in heat!" She shot back at him.

"Well, you were more than willing to go there. You took advantage of me the night we met, remember?"

Meredith gasped.

"I so did not take advantage of you! You took advantage of me. I was drunk!"

"See, that is not the way I remember it. You were hot for me. I wore my good looking red shirt and my hair was great that night. You played hard to get and then...well...then I was just...hard." He smirked remembering that night.

"That was a great night wasn't it?" Meredith asked, caught up in her own porny memories. She looked up at Derek, who was looking at her. Really looking at her. His eyes went from hers and then to her lips and then back to her eyes. She swallowed visibly. She knew that look too well. It was the look that said he was about to...

All thoughts flew out of her head when his lips touched hers. The kiss was tentative at first, as if he were testing her reaction. She slowly brought her hands up around his neck, her fingers burying in his gorgeous raven locks. His tongue hovered at her lips, subtly demanding entrance. She parted her lips slightly, which was all the permission he needed. He thrust his tongue in to mingle with hers. She gasped. Suddenly the kiss turned savage. He shoved her against the brick façade of the building. She winced as her back hit the wall. He looked at her concernedly. She grabbed his neck and pulled his lips to hers forcibly. She plundered his lips thoroughly. He responded in kind. He pulled her as close as he could, letting her know without a doubt of his arousal. She moaned and wrapped her right leg around his waist. His mouth left hers and he left a trail of kisses down her neck and then to her collarbone. She shivered. She drug him back up to her mouth. His hand inched up under her shirt until he was cupping her full breast. He teased her nipple until it hardened into a straining nub. She about came right then and there.

"Hey, you two...get a room!" A voice bellowed as he exited the building.

Meredith slapped her hand over her mouth in humiliation. She shoved him away blindly and ran into the building without a backwards glance.

Derek stood on the sidewalk alone and shoved a hand through his hair in frustration.

Well that lasted all of twenty four hours...so much for being just friends.

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