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Derek awoke slowly in the morning, knowing something was off. He felt beside him and came across a piece of paper...a note. He sat up.

I am not good at goodbyes especially in person, so I am writing this to you. These last two months have been great but marred with my eminent departure. I know this has been difficult for you as it has for me, but I am grateful for the time that we had together. Take care of yourself and be happy. You deserve everything good in your life. Thank you for letting me be a part of it, if only for a short time.

He bolted up in his bed. She was gone. He looked at the clock...9:30am. Her plane left at 11:00am. He couldn't let her leave, he had to make her stay, make her see reason. He threw some clothes on and flew out the door, praying he would make it.


"Grey, you okay?" Alex asked as he noticed her staring off in space once again. They were waiting to board their plane at the busy JFK airport. He knew she was torn up over Shepherd...again, but he wanted her to admit it out loud.

"I am fine." She said, catatonically.

"Yeah, sure you are. You just eminate fineness." He retorted dryly.

"Shut up Alex, I am not in the mood for your sarcasm right now." She hissed.

"You want to stay?"

"No. I have to go home."

"I didn't ask that. Do you want to stay here with Derek?" He said enunciating clearly.

"Leave me alone Alex." She said. She took several deep breaths. Walking out of that apartment was the hardest thing she had ever had to do. She wanted to stay there with him so badly, but knew she couldn't. There was no hope for them. She had never seen one relationship that worked and leaving him before he could leave her again was the only option.

Boarding Private Jet 354 at Gate 11.

Meredith grabbed her carry on bag and walked mutely towards the gate with Alex following closely behind her.


Derek parked his car illegally and flew through the doors of the airport. He didn't even know what her flight number was. Shit. He ran up to the information gate.

"I need the flight number for a private jet headed to Seattle." He demanded to the harried person at the desk. She raised an eyebrow.

"Please." He amended.

She pressed a few keys.

"Flight 354 at Gate 11, but it is boarding now." She looked up and the man was no longer there. Derek weaved in and out of the crowd. He came to gate 11 and searched for Meredith. He saw Karev head through the tunnel and knew Mer was in front of him.

"Karev!" He shouted.

Alex looked back and caught sight of Derek. Derek ran up to him.

"She is already headed to the plane Dude. What the hell took you so long? Go get her." Alex said.

Derek took off and caught sight of her twenty feet away.


Meredith stopped cold and slowly turned around.

"What are you doing here? Did you get my letter?" She asked.

"Yeah. I got it and I decided I can't let you go."


"No let me say this. I know you are scared and I know I have hurt you and I am so very sorry. But Meredith, I love you. In a really really big pretend to like your taste in music, hold a radio up over my head outside your window, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, way that makes me hate you, love you. So please pick me, choose me, love me. Please." He begged.

Meredith gasped in agony. He remembered. She looked at him and saw he was hurting so bad. This is what she did, she brought pain to people she loved. Which is why she couldn't love him. It was better this way...for him. Now she was a different matter but she would just have to deal with it.

"I can't." She whispered. She kissed him softly on his cheek and walked away without a backwards glance.

Derek stood there in shock. Alex stopped beside him.

"I'm sorry. She thinks she is doing what is best for you. Take some time to figure out how to prove to her that she is the best thing for you. Call me anytime if you want to check on her." Alex then followed Meredith through the door to the plane, the door closing leaving Derek in darkness.

How fitting he thought.

As soon as the doors closed behind Alex, Meredith fell to the floor of the plane sobbing loudly. Alex took her in his arms and lifted her on to her seat, settling beside her and holding her until she fell asleep in his arms.

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