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Alex took a deep breath before he knocked.

"Come in."

Alex pushed to door open to reveal the Chief and Dr. Bailey. He closed the door and had a seat. The Chief looked at Alex expectantly.

"You asked for this meeting Karev...what is this about?" He asked.

"It's Meredith sir."

The Chief sat up a little straighter. He had a soft spot for the resident.

Dr. Bailey leaned forward.

"Is this about how she's been walking around like a hung over zombie?" She asked.

"Yeah." Alex confirmed.

"Tell us what happened." The Chief ordered.

"You sent us to New York sir." Alex stressed.

"Yes...and?" The Chief asked confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Did something happen in New York?" Bailey asked.

"Yeah, you could say that..." Alex laughed bitterly. "Cristina and I tried to warn her but she wouldn't listen...I even pretended to be her boyfriend, but...she couldn't fight it. The pull was too strong."

"What are you talking about? What happened in New York?" The Chief asked forcefully.

"Derek Shepherd happened sir." Alex said.

The Chief and Bailey looked open mouthed at Alex.

Bailey whipped her head around to the Chief.

"Did you know that he was working at that hospital?" She asked angrily. Derek Shepherd had destroyed Meredith Grey once and it looked like he was doing it again.

"No...maybe...yes." The Chief stuttered. He cringed as he thought of what Bailey could do to him.

"Are you insane? Do you not remember what happened the first time, cause I do. She was a mess just like she is now...and again it is because of you!" Bailey exclaimed.

"How was the first time my fault?" He asked belligerently.

"You invited him out here and then called his damn wife and destroyed that poor girl. She was innocent in all of this...why the hell did you meddle again. Do you not have anything better to do?" Bailey demanded.

"I thought she was over him. I didn't know this would happen. The first time was just an affair, right?" He asked.

"You are insane. She was in love with him and he was just using her." Bailey said.

"No he wasn't. He loves her...a lot." Alex informed them. "Mer left him...I think it was so he couldn't leave her first. She wanted the power but it backfired on her. She is still crazy about him and he is miserable according to Addison..."

"Addison?" The Chief and Bailey said in unison.

"They are divorced...it was final a couple of months ago. She says he looks as bad as Mer, but is trying to respect her wishes...personally I think he needs to grow some balls and get his ass here...and that is where you come in." Alex said.

"What are you wanting me to do?" The Chief asked.

"Well, with all due respect sir...you started this and now you need to fix it...please sir...like now." Alex said.

The Chief sat back in his chair and folded his fingers together.

"I'm listening." He said.


Derek threw a chart on the Nurse's Station desk and shoved his hand through his hair in frustration. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He had been snapping at everyone for the past six weeks...since she left him. His breath caught and he felt a pang where his heart used to be...the heart that now resided in Seattle...with her. He shoved his hand in his pocket and fingered the bracelet she had left behind and he brought it out and looked at it. It was sterling silver with a dangling heart. He had it on him at all times. His phone rang, startling Derek. He reached for it without looking at the caller id.

Yeah?" He said abruptly.

"Shep. It's Richard Webber. How would you feel about moving back to Seattle? I need a new head for the NeuroSurgery department and if I am not mistaken, there is something here that holds a great deal of appeal for you. Are you interested?"

Derek smiled for the first time in six weeks.

"Oh yeah, I am very interested."

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