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Meredith sat in a enclosed room located behind the nurses station documenting in her charts. She was also doing what she did best...avoiding. She hadn't been subjected to him yet today. He was in meetings, for which she was incredibly thankful. Too much Derek was not necessarily a good thing...then again, sometimes it was...in a strictly porny way. Being around him made her realize how long it had been since she had last been laid. It was kind of like those vampire books she had read...always a good idea to eat before facing temptation.

"There you are." She winced and slowly turned around to face the owner of the very pleased voice.

"Here I am. Now, the question is...what do you want?"

"I would think the answer to that would be obvious." Derek said, cockily.

"And I think that my reaction would be just as obvious...and very painful for you."

"What are you going to do? Sic Alex on me? I wouldn't mind having a crack at him." He taunted.

"I don't need Alex to fight my battles. I can do just fine on my own and don't you forget it." She hissed.

"What do you see in him?"

"How is that any of your business?"

"Call it curiosity."

"Yeah, well...curiosity killed the cat."

"Come on...please. I am dying to know what he can possibly offer you."

"Availability and honesty to start with."

"Ooh...ouch." He pretended to be wounded.

"What are you doing?" She looked at him, trying desperately to figure him out. Yesterday, he had been so moody and morose...and today, he was all light and airy.

"What?" He feigned confusion, knowing exactly what she was referring to.

"This...we are not friends...or anything for that matter. This...you and me...doesn't exist. We stopped existing the moment you left. You just disappeared. No goodbye...no nothing, not even a lousy note. Like I was nothing to you. Like we meant nothing. You threw us away like garbage. I found out you left from a nurse Derek...a nurse who was gossiping to her friends. I'm not going to do this with you...not again. I am with Alex and I am staying with Alex. End of discussion. Now, when is our surgery scheduled for?" She said, changing the subject.

"One o'clock." He said resigned.

"I will see you there Dr. Shepherd." Meredith gathered up her charts and disappeared through the door and out of sight.

Derek sighed. Well that didn't go well. He knew one thing...he had a long way to go, cause if there was one thing about Mer that he remembered well, she was very stubborn.


Alex cursed under his breath for what had to be the twentieth time that day. The She-bitch was out in full force today. She was snapping at everyone, including him, left and right. The only people she was decent to was the patients. He had to admit, she was an excellent doctor. He had grudging respect for her...professionally. Personally, he wanted to drop her off the nearest skyscraper and watch her go splat.

"What are you just standing there for? Move your ass Karev." She demanded.

"What is your deal?" He asked angrily.

"Excuse me?" She said, astonished.

"I said, what is..."

"I heard you. Are you questioning me?"

"Yes, what did you think I was doing? Asking you to a tea party?" He said bitingly.

"You have no right..."

"I have every right. You are treating me like a wad of gum you scraped off of the bottom of your overly expensive pair of heels. I may be your insubordinate but you will not talk to me like that. What the hell did I do to you?"

"You didn't do anything."

"Oh, so this is about Meredith."


"I will take that as a yes. What are you worried about? You are already getting divorced, she can't do much more damage than that." He pointed out.

"He never forgot her." She whispered.

"She is someone you don't forget easily." He agreed.

"Do you love her?"

"Yes." He said. He wasn't lying. He did love Grey, he just wasn't in love with her.

"So does he."

"No, he doesn't. You don't do what he did to a person you love." He spat out.

"You have no idea."

"Neither do you Dr. Montgomery. You have no idea what we went through with her. He will not hurt her again. I won't allow it." He said vehemently.

Addison nodded, thinking.

"I'm sorry Dr. Karev. I will try to curb my attitude with you from now on."

"Don't worry about it. I am tough, I can take it. Just don't make a habit of it and give me some warning." He said begrudgingly, walking away. He must be going soft...first Mer and now Addison. Maybe Yang was right, babies do make you toxic.


Derek stood out of sight in the corridor, watching the scene unfold between Addison and Alex with interest. An idea formed in his mind, a very deceitful idea. But all was fair in love and war, right?

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