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Alex was already up and reading the newspaper the next morning eating a bowl of cereal when Meredith woke up. He heard her rustling around in her room getting ready for the day. He had a plan of action put together, thanks to input from Cristina.

"Yang, we have a problem."

"Are you dying?"


"Then I am hanging up."

"Cristina, it's Mer."

"What's wrong?" Cristina's tone changed instantly from cocky to concerned.

"We met our new attendings today."


"It's them." Cristina knew exactly who he was referring to.

"Oh God. No. How is she?"

"How do you think she is? She is a basket case. She handled him really well but she broke down as soon as she walked in the apartment. What are we going to do? I don't want all of her progress to mean nothing."

"I...don't...know...I...shit! I want to kill him."

"Yeah, well he wants to kill me."


"He sort of thinks me and Mer are a couple."

"Why does he think that?"

"I sort of told him we were a couple. And I kissed her...in front of him. You should have seen his face. Priceless." Alex grinned thinking of it.

"And you are still breathing? I would've thought Mer would have killed you."

"No, she went along with it and she wants to keep up the ruse."

"You know that is not a bad idea. It could work. I personally gag at the thought of you two kissing but I guess as long as I don't have to see it..."

"Thanks Yang. She liked it." He said smugly.

"Bad bad images in my head. When Mer gets back I will take her to have her head examined. Look, just keep up the lies. It is only three months, right? Stick to her like glue."

"How am I going to do that at work? I am with the She-Shepherd."

"What does she think about this?"

"They are getting divorced so I..."


"Can you not screech in my ear?"

"They are getting divorced? He is single? As in available? This is bad Alex. Really bad."

"Didn't I say that already?"

"Go ahead with your plan, but step it up."


"You two are going to have to get engaged."



"Engaged? As in marriage?" He exclaimed.

"No dumbass...engaged, as in put a ring on her finger that tells him that she is getting married. I don't expect you to actually marry her. That would be gross...and wrong on so many levels."

"Oh thank god...you really had be worried there." He sighed in relief.

"I will find a ring and send it to you. Just be attentive every time you see her. Stare him down if he gets too close to her. You were a wrestler...you can take him in a fight. Take one for the home team Alex. I am counting on you not to fuck this up. He can't get to her again."

"Don't worry Yang. I got this."

"Make sure you do." He heard a click and then she was gone.

"Hey. Are you okay Alex?" Meredith said, shaking him out of his reverie.

"What? Oh yeah, how are you?"

"I have been better. Thank you...you know...for last night."

"No problem. Mer, we..." He stopped, thinking if he should tell her about the 'engagement' or not. He didn't want her to freak. Better to ease her into it...slowly.


"We need to get our stories straight, you know how we started dating, if we are serious."

"Oh...well, we started dating two and a half years ago, because three years...makes me a whore seeing as he left me three years ago. I had to have time for mourning."

"You are still mourning." He pointed out.

Pain filled her eyes and he instantly regretted saying that.

"Mer, I'm sorry. That was really inconsiderate."

"No, you are right. But we are talking about our fictional relationship. Where were we? Oh yeah...we became friends first and then it turned into something else and then we started dating and now we are living together. There is really no need for embellishment. Less chance of messing up that way."

"Good plan...keep it simple. Got it. Are we planning to...move forward?"


"You know, are we getting engaged or...marriage?" He said, gulping on the last word.

"Oh god no!"

"Well let's just say that we will need to step up our game...do I ask you to marry me? We aren't going to get married, but do we make him think it?"

"If it comes to that...then maybe." She looked pained by the idea.



They stared at each other for a few moments...uncomfortably.

"We should go." Meredith said.

"Yeah, we don't want to be late."

They both rushed out the door and hurried to the hospital. This plan was going to work...it had too.

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