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Meredith snuck into her apartment, not wanting to be caught. Although Alex was cool, she didn't want to answer any questions tonight. She made it into her bedroom and breathed a sigh of relief...way too soon. The lamp suddenly illuminated the room in soft light. Meredith started looking at the occupant on her bed in shock.

"Where have you been? You were off hours ago."

"Cristina! You scared me. What are you doing here?" She gasped.

"I had some vacation time built up since my internship and the last time I talked to you, I got the feeling that I had better get my ass over here."

"That wasn't necessary. I am not five. I do not need to be babysat." Meredith pointed out.

"Hmmm...whatever you say Mer. So where were you?"

"I...well...um...Igotstuckinanelevator." Meredith said quickly.

"You got stuck in an elevator? Only you Mer." Cristina guffawed.

"Alex and George got stuck in one." Meredith reminded her.

"True. So you were stuck on a smelly hot elevator with a dozen rude New Yorkers. Fun." Cristina sarcastically stated. She hated New York.

"Yeah." Meredith laughed weakly. Cristina looked at her suspiciously.

"Mer you are hiding something."

"No I am not. Why would you think I was hiding something. I am an open book. Nope, nothing to hide." Meredith rambled.

"Mer, were you really stuck on an elevator?"

"Yes!" She said indignantly.

"How many people were you stuck with?" Cristina quizzed.

"Just...one." She mumbled.

"Who?" Cristina asked suspiciously.

"Who? Oh no one you would know...just a coworker...yeah...no one special or interesting...or sex god like...yeah."

"MEREDITH! Oh please tell me you didn't have sex on the elevator with Shepherd." Cristina demanded.

"Okay, I didn't have hot elevator sex with Derek." Meredith said meekly.


"Stop yelling at me! He was...and I...just..." Meredith trailed off. How could she explain to Cristina all the emotions flowing through her, when she herself couldn't come to terms with them. She forced back tears of frustration.

Cristina watched Meredith closely. She looked confused. She should have had Alex bring her back immediately instead of letting her stay. Meredith had been getting better in the last two years. She had started laughing and smiling more. For the first year it was as if someone had died. She guess in a way Mer did...or her heart at least. Cristina felt rage build up in her. She was going to kill Shepherd. He had caused them to go all the way back to square one with Meredith. Cristina then cursed herself. Everyone knew Mer wasn't strong enough to refuse Shepherd...she never had been. She was just going to have to convince Meredith to return home with her next week...if it was the last thing she did.


Derek watched helplessly as Meredith walked away. He felt someone come up behind him.

"So?" Mark inquired.

"So...what?" Derek snapped. He stalked off in a fury. Mark raced after him.

"What did she say when you busted her?" Mark asked.

"What is it to you? Why do you care? You want to sleep with her too?" Derek snapped.

"Yes." Mark said, matter of factly.

Derek stopped and grabbed Mark's collar.

"You stay away from her, do you hear me? She is mine." Derek threatened.

"Hey man, calm down. I am only saying that she is hot. I wouldn't do that to you...not again. I lost too much when I slept with Addie." Mark admitted.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you did it."

"I am trying to make it up to you. Don't you see that? I didn't have to tell you about your intern and pussy boy, but I did. I can see you have feelings for her, deeper than you ever had for Addie. I did you a favor when I slept with Addie. I let you off the hook. I was the fall guy. It isn't my fault you let yourself be sucked back in. So get over your shit and let me back in. It is time to forgive me. It has been three years. I have known you since we were six. We have been through broken bones, bad grades, girlfriends, family problems, your father's death, college, med school and everything in between. That should mean something. So when you are ready, I am here. I always have been." With that Mark walked away.

Derek watched him go. As much as he hated to admit it, Mark was right. He did miss his friend, his brother. He knew that if he was ever going to have a shot with Meredith, he would have to come to terms with his past.

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