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"I need you to sleep with Alex Karev."

Addison snapped her head up and looked at her soon to be ex husband with surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"I need you..."

"No...I got that part. What I don't get is why you are asking me as if you want me to pick up your dry cleaning."

"Look, I want Meredith. You know this. I am sorry if I seem...callous, but Alex Karev is standing in my way and I want him out of it. So just keep him...occupied."

"Have you lost your fucking mind. Derek Christopher Shepherd, you are not going to...pimp me out." She said in disgust as she started to walk away.

Derek grabbed her arm.

"Please. I know this is difficult for you. I know this and I am so sorry Addie but I need her. I love her."

"I know Derek. Believe me I know. I am reminded of that every time I look in your eyes. I have spent the last three years knowing this but as long as she was in Seattle, I could deal with it. And now she is here and you want me to sleep with her boyfriend so you can have another chance with her. Difficult doesn't even begin to cover it."

"You're right. I am sorry. I shouldn't have even asked. This is me being desperate." He tried to smile and failed miserably.

"I wish you had used some of that desperation to save our marriage."

"Addie, our marriage was over a long time ago. Even before you slept with Mark. We both know this. We also both know that my heart, my soul, belongs to Meredith. My only regret is that I wish I had admitted it to myself before I moved back here with you. It would have saved us a lot of effort and heartache...all three of us."

Addison sighed.

"I can't do what you are asking me to do, but I will have him here more...longer shifts, more patients to monitor. But that is all I can guarantee. I am not a prostitute."

"Thank you." Derek breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, I figure I owe you one for Mark." She said trying to smile while holding back tears.

"I am very, truly sorry." Derek whispered.

"I know...it's okay...or it will be. We had a good run...right? I mean years one through eight weren't so bad. We were happy once, right?"

"Yeah, we were. Very happy."

"Well, I have to go...work. Goodbye Derek."

"Goodbye Addie."



"Be happy...with her. I know you can get her back. She loves you. Just...be happy."

"Thanks. I will."

Addison nodded and walked away heading towards her office where she could cry, away from the prying eyes of her coworkers. It was time to let herself mourn the death of her marriage.

It's Not OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora