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Meredith bolted into her apartment like the hounds of hell were on her heels. Cristina and Alex looked up, surprised.

"Well, well,well, look what the cat dragged in." Cristina mocked. "You have sex hair."

"Not now Cristina." Meredith warned. She threw her coat and her purse on the chair and sighed loudly.

"Yes, now." Cristina said. "I came all the way here and you are going to tell me what happened. You were with him weren't you? God Mer, do ya have to have someone knock you around to get it through that thick skull? He didn't want you. He left. He chose her and now that he is single, he suddenly wants you again. He is using you for his own personal gratification."

"Cristina..." Alex said.

"No...she needs to hear this. He doesn't love you. This is not a fairytale. He is not going to sweep you up a long winding staircase and pledge his undying love and devotion." Cristina yelled.

"SHUT UP!!!!" Meredith screamed. "ENOUGH!"

Cristina and Alex widened their eyes in surprise. Meredith never yelled. They looked at her. Her eyes were flashing and her chest was heaving.

"I am a grown ass woman capable of making my own choices. If I want to sleep with Derek, I will. He makes me feel...alive. I have been dead inside for three years. I wanna be alive again. And you are right, this is not a fairytale and in two months I will come back to Seattle...alone once again. Dead once again. But I cant help but think it will be worth it...to have this time with him again. He may not love me, but I love him. And right now, that is enough for me." She said. She stood there for a minute and then grabbed her coat and bag.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Cristina asked.

"I am going to go feel alive. I love you Cris, I really do and I appreciate everything you have done for me, but I think it is time for you to go back to Seattle."

She smiled softly and then exited out of the apartment without a backward glance.


Derek slammed down the empty glass on his cherry wood coffee table. He stood up and walked over to his window. He couldn't believe he lost control like that...wait, yes he could. Meredith always made him lose control...and not always in a good way. He lost all ability to think when he was around her. Everything about her drew him in...her scent, her long locks, her slim body, her smile, her eyes...the list went on and on. She was like a drug...he was addicted. He cursed out loud into the silent apartment. He pushed her too damn hard and she had run. If he could find that asshole who had yelled at them, he would do a lobotomy on him just for sport. He only had two months with her to prove to her that they belonged together...that they could make it work. Being friends had seemed like a good idea...okay, well it was an impossible idea, but it had gotten her to spend time with her. He had really enjoyed verbally sparring with her tonight. It was just like it used to be. The thrill of the chase, Meredith had called it once. He laughed. He would follow her to the ends of the earth if he had to. Hell, he might have to if it came to it. He was going to lose her again, if he didn't do something. But what?

His doorbell rang. He squinted his blue eys, confused. He wasn't expecting anyone tonight. He crossed to his door and opened it, intent on sending whoever it was away. He didn't feel like company tonight.

The sight that met him took his breath away. He actually found he couldn't form a cognitive word.

"Hi. We need to talk." Meredith said.

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