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"You ready Alex?" Meredith yelled.

"Yeah. Let's go."

It was their first day as interim residents at Mount Sinai. They would each have their own interns and would be working under the so far nameless hotshot attendings. They would each be working in their respective specialities. This was apparently a wonderful opportunity and Cristina was green with envy that Alex and Mer were participating and she wasn't. But then again Cristina didn't like being left out of anything. That was Cristina for you, 4th year resident cardio god and resident kiss ass at Seattle Grace.

The walk took five minutes and Meredith took a deep breath before entering. She looked at Alex.

"Here we go."

They went directly to the 3rd floor as directed by the oh so helpful receptionist at the entrance who couldn't stop popping her gum long enough to form a cognitive sentence. Thank god for the map directly at her left. Alex had liked her. What a surprise, Meredith thought dryly. They were then led by a nurse to the chief's office. His head came up from his paperwork and indicated for them to come in and have a seat.

"Hello. I am Dr. Bernard Gregory and I am the Chief of Surgery at Mount Sinai. Please come in and sit down so we can get acquainted. You are Alex Karev and you must be Meredith Grey. I have to admit that I am very excited to meet you Dr. Grey. You mom was a wonderful doctor of legendary proportions and I am eager to find out just how much she passed down to you genetically other than your looks..."

Meredith rolled her eyes as the chief went on and on. Was this guy serious? And was he trying to hit on her? Alex bit back a smile at her expression. He wondered if maybe he needed to leave the room since he was obviously being ignored as Bernie here fawned over Mer. He understood, he really did. Mer was gorgeous but this guy was like...old. Did he really think he had a shot?

"...so that being said, do you have any questions?" The chief concluded not realizing that his audience had tuned him out.

"No, thank you Dr. Gregory. You have been most helpful." Mer said sweetly. They got up to exit the office and waited until they were a safe distance away before bursting into raucous laughter. People walked by giving these two obviously crazy individuals a wide berth. It took them a moment to recover and then they went into the locker room to change into their scrubs.


"I miss my blue scrubs." Mer grumbled about her jade green scrubs as they headed out to find their interns and, hopefully, their new bosses.

"What does it matter? Besides, they could be pink." Alex reminded her.

"Ew...yeah you are right. It could be so much worse." She shuddered.

Alex laughed at that. He couldn't imagine Mer in pink. It was too bright and happy, more Izzie than Mer.

They arrived at the Attending's lounge and knocked.

"What?" The voice demanded roughly.

Mer and Alex looked at each other. Okay.

"We are looking for the Neuro and Gynie attendings." Alex said.

The door wrenched open and revealed a man. Tall in stature, well built, very good looking, with short somewhat wavy blonde hair mixed with gray wearing dark green scrubs. His expression was hard until he noticed Mer, then it turned smug and almost feral. Like he was looking for his next meal and had found it in her.

"Well hello there. I don't think we have met." He said to Mer ignoring Alex completely. 'Big surprise' he thought.

"Obviously, seeing as it is my first time to enter this hospital in the last oh 20 years." Mer said sarcastically.

"Ooh...fiesty. I like that in my women."

"Ooh...arrogant. I hate that in my men."

"Mark Sloan." He grinned as he extended his hand to her. She ignored it and instead looked at it pointedly.

"Are you the Neuro or Gynie Attending?" She asked.

"God no. I am the Plastics God around here."

Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Then I could care less about meeting you. You can however let us know who the Neuro and Gynie attendings are and where we can find them."

"I would love to tell you over lunch."

"Look, I am about to run out of patience here. Do you know where they are or not?" She said impatiently as she crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

"Are you married? Is that it?"

"Is what it?"

"Well women don't ignore me, ever, so are you married?"


"Oh, you are a lesbian then! That's cool. I am down with the rainbow. If you are ever interested in a threesome I am happy to oblige. I am not only a god in Plastics." He said suggestively winking at her.

"I think I just vomited a little in my mouth. You know what, never mind." She turned to leave.

"Wait." He sighed. "They are not here yet. Some meeting with a lawyer or so I heard. We really don't talk anymore. They will be in around 10 am."

"Thank you." Mer said stiffly.

"Again, I am Dr. Mark Sloan. And you are?"

"Not married, not a lesbian, not interested in becoming another notch on your obviously overcrowded bedpost."

Alex laughed. Mark turned and glared at him. Alex just shrugged. Meredith turned to look at Alex.

"Come on. Let's go hunt down our interns to see how utterly useless they are." She turned on her heel and Alex laughed again at the look on Dr. Macho's face and followed her down the hall.

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