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Meredith parked her old jeep and breathed a sigh of relief. She loved this place, she always had...ever since the first time he had brought her here. It made her feel safe and it was the one place she could truly be herself. The only thing missing was him. She winced at the sudden pain in her chest. She rubbed it absently. She got out and walked inside the dark trailer. She didn't bother with the lights...she welcomed the dark. She didn't have to pretend with darkness...it was all shadows and dusk, just like her. It was on old friend and one she knew well. She walked over to the sink where a ray of light from the pole outside shimmered through and highlighted a cup. Hmmm...she had thought she had put away the dishes she had used last time she was here. She was always careful of that...she didn't want to attract any wild animals. She quickly washed it and put it away. She walked carefully to the bedroom area and crawled into the bed, fully dressed. She grabbed her pillow and snuggled into it...it was a sad substitution for what she really wanted but it would have to do. She breathed it in and then halted. Tears came to her eyes. It smelled like him. How was that even possible? He hadn't been here in three years. She didn't linger on the thought for too long...she would take whatever whiffs she could get of him. She wept herself into a troubled sleep.

Derek made his way back to his trailer. He had been here for six hours and after a nap, he had woke up and decided to take a walk and clear his head. He had to figure out a way to get his Meredith back. He had quickly decided that he would simply pester her until she gave in...that had worked the first time. He grinned a rarity for him these days.

"It's the chase, isn't it?"


"It's the chase. You know that I wont go out with you. You know I keep saying no. It's the chase."

"Well, it's fun isn't it?"

He missed them, the way that they had been before it became complicated by his own omissions. He shook his head and walked towards his trailer. He halted when he realized there was car there...a old blue jeep...Meredith's jeep. His heart began to race and he sprinted the last twenty feet to the trailer. Had Alex told her he was there and now Meredith was there to pack up her stuff and tell him to leave her alone? Or was she just here like any other night...just to be closer to him while not knowing he was there in the flesh? He would find out in a minute. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He stepped into the living/kitchen area and his breath caught.

She was lying there on his bed, the moonlight streaming through the window and illuminating her. She had his pillow, holding it close to her as she slept fitfully. She murmured in her sleep and thrashed a little. He moved closer to her and reached down and brushed her honey blond hair from her delicate face to reveal the features he loved so much to look at. She sighed in her sleep and smiled a little.

"Der." She murmured, still sleeping. She calmed down a little at his touch and snuggled deeper into his hand which rested on her silken cheek.

A tear traveled from Derek's eyes and down his face. He didn't bother to brush it away. He was used to these emotions he felt when looking at her. He could stay this way forever and never get tired of it. She moaned a little and he couldn't help himself. He leaned down and kissed her softly on her lips. She moaned again and he deepened it. Suddenly she tensed and her eyes flew open. She ripped her mouth from his and without her eyes focusing on who was kissing her, she elbowed him in the face causing him to fall backwards onto the floor. She screamed shrilly and darted out of bed and raced for the door. Derek groaned and quickly raced after her. He reached her before she could wrench the door opened and enclosed his arms around her. She struggled and screamed again...he clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Shhh.... Mer...calm down. It's just me. It's Derek." He said.

She stopped struggling and relaxed. He let her go slowly and she turned around to face him, her eyes bewildered.

"Derek?" She said.

"Hey." He said smiling.

She reached up and slapped him directly across his face.

Then she kissed him.

And then she fell against him sobbing.

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