A terrible thought. Because now she remembered everything.

Watching Tenzin choose Pema over her.

Tearing the island in half. On any other day she'd be proud of herself, something like that was reserved for avatar-like power.

But now it extended to those in pain.

"Tenzin..." she groaned. She felt Kya stiffen beside her. Suspicious she pushed herself up again, using her other arm.

"Kya, where is he?" She asked.

"Lin, please, don't do this now. You're hurt."

"Of course I'm fucking hurt!" Her ears rang at the sound of her voice.

"Lin please, I'll tell you everything, just lay down." Lin looked to her, then to the door, shaking her head.

"I'm going to be late for work." She said, running towards it.


Lights ignited in the sky, some kind of loud, cosmetic invention Varrick had made. Lin wanted to plug her ears, it really was loud.

"Honestly Kya, I'm fine."

"No you're not. You can't lie to me, Lin. You never could." Lin rolled her eyes and sighed.

"If I say I'm over it, will you leave me alone?" Kya crossed her arms and Lin flopped her torso onto the table.

"Fine," she caved. "I cant get over it."


"Because I don't want to admit that I wasted my whole life waiting for something that was never going to happen."

"You're whole life? Lin, you still have like... half a century. At least. I mean look at your mom... hell, look at mine!"

Lin looked away. Age wasn't exactly what she had been getting at, although it was a part of it. She knew the consequences of getting older. The consequences of waiting.

"Thats not what I meant." Lin said. Kya looked at her, sliding closer.

"Then tell me."

"Its..." she gestured to herself and Kya laughed.

"Lin, you look great. And I mean it. You've really kept yourself together and... you could definitely get any one you wanted." Lin blushed a bit, but she was too focused on Kya's words to be embarrassed.

Any-one. Not any-man she wanted. But any one.


"What the holy fuck happened to you?" Chief Kimiko asked when Lin practically crawled through the door.

"It's just a concussion." Lin explained, holding onto the wall.

"Mmm, no, Lin, you need to leave. Go see a healer."

"I'm fine!" Lin protested. She tried to stand up straight, but ended up on the floor.

"Okay, I'm taking you into my office and finding your family."

"No!" Lin protested and her boss raised an eyebrow. "I... I can't deal with them right now. Please." Kimiko thought about it, but sighed.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWWhere stories live. Discover now