"You pee on it." Kya clarified and Lin glared at her.

"I know that."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Lin shrugged, making her way over to a stall, pausing again.



"What if... what if I don't like the result?"

"Then you change it." Kya replied. "Honestly Lin, if you don't take the test, I can't help you." Lin nodded, going into the stall and taking the test.

Two minutes in and no results, Lin sat against the wall, feet infront of her. Kya joined her eventually, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Lin," she began, "if you keep staring at it nothing will happen."

"I don't want to miss it." Kya sighed, taking it from Lin.
"You know I peed on that," Lin said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm a healer, I've seen worse." They sat in silence for a moment before Kya turned to her.
"Can I ask you something?" She started. Lin nodded and Kya continued.
"What do you want it to say?" Lin gulped, rolling her head to the side.

Kya pursed her lips. She knew Lin wouldn't reply, or at least not with words.

"You know, you don't have to have kids." Lin looked at her, shaking her head.

"You don't get, Kya. It's airbenders this, airbenders that." Lin explained, holding back tears.

"I think I do," she spoke cautiously. Lin was going to need a shoulder to cry on if it came back pink. "I was supposed to be an airbender birth mother, Lin. Sure, my odds were only half, but fifty percent is better than zero." Lin listened, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"It just wasn't my path," Kya said, placing a hand on Lin's knee, "and it doesn't have to be yours." Lin held herself together for a second before breaking.

"He wants them so bad," she sobbed into Kya's shoulder. "I can't do it, I can't do it Kya. I'm not a mother, I-I have so much I want to do I don't want to waste my time..." Lin stopped as soon as she heard it.

Waste. A waste of her time. She had become her mother, a person who seemed to think her children were a waste of time. Kya held her, rubbing her back, whispering words of comfort. She looked beside her, smiling when she saw the stick had finally chosen a color.

"Lin," she said, "it's blue."


"You're not pregnant!" Lin choked, her breath hitching with suprise. She wiped her eyes, so Kya took the liberty of bending off her tears.

"Thank you," Lin whispered.

"Hey, it wasn't me." Kya said. "But Lin, you need to have a talk with my brother." The earth bender nodded, pushing herself up.

"I will." Kya held onto her for as long as she could, but Lin was ready to let go.

At least for now.


Tenzin stared out at the scene before him. The Easter Air Temple stretched along the mountain sides, it peculiar shape standing out against the horizon.

"Wow," Pema said excitedly, "it's amazing."

"Isn't it? This air temple is where my father came to complete his training before the war. Guru Pathik inhabited it for many years until Aang arrived to master the Avatar State." The acolytes leaned over the Bison saddle, expressing words of awe as they grew closer.

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