The moment Yuuji was ten, he chose to help Uraume around the shrine. He cleaned at first, shining a section of the shrine his small body could handle.

He joined Uraume and the other servant in kitchen when he was thirteen. He began his training, working hard to achieve his goal. He present his first meal to Sukuna at the age of 15 one starry night.

The teen watched with anxiety as Sukuna took his rice balls, which was coming undone and falling apart. He worried his red and pink kimono, throwing worried glances at the tall giant.

Sukuna plopped the onigiri into his mouth and started chewing with a nonchalant expression. When the Curse didn't oblivate him with a flick of his fingers and instead reached out for another, Yuuji heaved a sigh of relief.

Yuuji watched with pride as Sukuna ate Yuuji's food, not caring about how the salt was quite much in the miso soup or how the meats and fishes weren't cooked well. Once done, Yuuji poured him a cup of sake while servants took the empty dishes away. Sukuna used a lower hand to pat Yuuji's head, who averted his eyes, a heavy blush in his cheeks.

With time, Yuuji got better and soon Sukuna only wanted him to cook his meals. Yuuji would watch with pride and joy as the Curse devoured his food, leaving only bones behind. 

Sure, Sukuna also fed on mortal souls and flesh, but that stopped immediately Yuuji started cooking.

Yuuji grew up wanting to please Sukuna and looking beautiful for the King, not knowing why. When he reached 17, he finally understood.

He was in love with his Master. 

He tried to ignore it at first, but he could no longer stop or hide it. 

The way Sukuna made his heart skip a beat, as well as drawing a heavy blush to his cheeks with that deep voice of his, the way he felt prideful that Sukuna had his undivided attention on him - it all made perfect sense.

One night, whilst masturbating with Sukuna's scarf wrapped around him and he taking deep sniffs of it, Uraume came into his room suddenly. The being cocked a brow as he saw the pinket with his fingers working his ass to the thought of Sukuna holding him.

The being had a serious discussion with the teen and they told the teen that it was perfectly fine to have such feelings. The King was great after all.

They encouraged the teen to tell the King his feelings, and Yuuji hesitated for a week, clearing his head, before doing so.

He and Sukuna were in their favourite spot of the shrine, sitting on the en, enjoying the breeze and overlooking the garden, when Yuuji suddenly said, "Sukuna sama, I'm in love with you."

The Curse did an uncharacteristically thing and choked on his sake. A lower hand slapped his chest, clearing his airways.

Sukuna snapped his head to Yuuji, who was looking up at the giant Curse with a worried expression. 

"What?" Sukuna said with a gruff voice filled with shock.

Yuuji nervously licked his lips before repeating what he said. He told the Curse that he had been in love with Sukuna for a long time, only lately realising that he DID in fact love the red haired Curse, but unfortunately not a family love.

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