When Sukuna came home for the holidays, Yuuji enthusiastically introduced Megumi and Nobara to him.

Yuuji saw the sparks that flew between his brother and Megumi, but he ignored it. He assured himself that nothing was going on between the two of them, but the evidences became too clear to ignore.

The way Megumi brought up Sukuna in their conversations and how he talked about his brother was of someone who had a crush. Sukuna... he didn't hide it.

When the two began to date officially, Yuuji's world crashed and burned.

With a bright smile, he congratulated them. All the while he was making pleasantries with them, Nobara kept throwing sad glances at him.

That night, he curled up on the bed, his head in Nobara's laps as he cried into her stomach. The woman just gave him the comfort she could.

Yuuji tried, he really tried so hard, to be happy for them, but he wasn't. 

His heart hurt so much that he just wanted to fold into himself and cry to eternal sleep.

As the pinket kept staring blankly at the sight below him, he was unaware of the glances thrown at him.

Nobara, who had a pained look on her face as she looked at him from where she stood, was about to make her way to the pinket when he stepped back and started walking away. She and Maki exchanged worried looks before her fiancée jerked her head for her to go after her pink haired friend. 

Nobara gave Maki a kiss on the cheek before she hurried after the pinket.

Megumi and Sukuna, who had noticed everything, gave themselves a look before they excused themselves and followed after Nobara.

They didn't make it on time, seeing as the pinket was already in an elevator and on his way down. Nobara was hardly tapping at the elevator button, waiting impatiently for another one to come. The three hurriedly entered inside and they were on their way down.

When they got to the bottom floor, Yuuji was already making it out of the hotel. Nobara loudly called his name, hurrying after him.

Nobara felt an unknown fear grip her that moment and she knew something bad was about to happen. She called out again, but the pinket was truly out of it, walking away with his eyes blanked and unfocused.


Sukuna's loud voice broke Yuuji out of his trance and the pinket came back to himself.

Only to meet the headlights of a car.

The next thing Yuuji knew was pain as he was thrown far away by the impact, and he rolled so many times on the pavement, breaking bones and limbs.

Green and red eyes watched in shock as Yuuji started to bleed on the road, limbs twisted into odd angles.

"YUUJI!" Nobara screamed before running to the pinket. She gently took his head and laid it on her laps. She looked around widely and screamed, "Call the fucking ambulance!" With tears streaming down her face, she whispered softly at Yuuji, promising him that he'd be okay.

Sukuna and Megumi moved into action and they ran over to the two. Megumi shakenly brought out his phone with his hands bloody and dialed the emergency line. His voice was shaking and he had a look of hopelessness.

Sukuna was on his knees and had Yuuji's hand in his, speaking to him in an unusually soft voice.

The driver of the car kept apologising, tears streaming down her eyes.

Yuuji just kept staring at the sky, blood dripping down his nose and lips. The pain soon gave way to nothingness and Yuuji felt everything turn to background noise.

How usual for the stars to shine so bright tonight. It was quiet beautiful. 

Nobara and Sukuna's eyes went wide when Yuuji's chest stopped rising and falling, and his deep, wet breathes ended.

"Yuuji..." Sukuna weakly called out. He placed his hand on Yuuji's chest, and when it didn't move, he flinched back as if burnt.

Yuuji's amber eyes had gone dull and unseeing. A single trail of tear was still there, creating a clear line on his bloody face.

With a shaky hand, that was stained with Yuuji's blood, Sukuna took his brother's cheek into his palm. 

Yuuji looked so calm and beautiful, eyes crinkled as if happy and content.

"Oi... Yuuji..." Sukuna called out again, taking his brother's corpse from the blanked Nobara.

Megumi's phone fell from his hand, his green eyes wide with disbelief.

Sukuna pressed Yuuji's head to his chest, staining his already bloody suit with more blood.

"No..." Sukuna whispered out with wide eyes, which had tears dripping down slowly. "No..."

Not Yuuji too. Not him too.

The red head closed his eyes shut and buried his nose into that blood matted hair that still smelt of fresh peaches. Low sobs started to escape from the red head, who clung to his brother, not wanting to let go.

The others in the reception seemed to hear the commotion and ran down. Maki ran over to her fiancee, who was looking at her friend with a disbelieving expression.

Minutes later saw everyone staring with eyes either filled with sorrow, disbelief or blankness as Yuuji's corpse was loaded into the ambulance.

No one even cared when the driver was taken into police custody, only staring numbly at the retreating vehicle which blared its siren of death for all to hear loud and clear.

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