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School sucks, no friends and no family to call mine. Yep, what every teenage girl wants.

I stayed at an orphanage in New York; Solo's Home For Girls. I've been homeschooled my entire life (I never knew my parents. I have a picture of my dad though before he died in a car accident) but today I get to go to a real school! Slace High.

I put on my blue jeans and a black T-shirt that had a picture of a crescent moon on it. I put my auburn hair in a ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror, my yellowish/Green eyes looking back at me. I put on a pair of black tennis shoes and headed downstairs for role-call

.Yes. The carer of Solo's made us do role-call. Apparently some girls a couple years ago ran away so they make us do role-call now. Ms.Organa was our new caretaker since our old one, Mrs.Mack, had broken her hip in a skiing accident. I found that strange, due to Mrs.Mack being 70 years old and was skiing. But oh well.

"Lyra Mally!" Ms.Organa said, calling our names for role call. The disgust in her voice when she said my name made me roll my eyes."Here!" I replied. Ms.Organa had a deep hate for me. Apparently when I borrowed a pen of hers (one I didn't even use by the way) she officially decided she would hate me for ever. But trust me, the feelings mutual.

After role call, Me, Another girl Madds, my enemy Charlotte, got onto the school bus to head to school.I walked to the back row of seats and sat down, alone.

It was all three of ours first time at this school. But apparently Charlotte was already making friends.She sat beside some Brunette with WAY to much make up on and just started talking to her.
Like it was that easy to socialize with people.
I'll admit, when someone talks to me i try to say the least possible. I just dont have much to say.

We arrived at school and I walked in. I was immediately met by about a hundred teens heading to class. All pushing through one another like they didn't even exist. It was the middle of the school year. Oh goody. I eventually found my class, which was greek. I walked in and immediately the entire class started whispering, trying to find out who the new girl was.

"Class!" The teacher said "please welcome Lyra Mally!"I immediately blushed at all the attention everyone was giving me. I went and sat at the only available seat at the back. It was beside a boy, about my age, with brown, curly hair and brown eyes. He wore a hat and a was staring at me like i was a new species.

I sat down and got my books out while the teacher started writing some words on the chalk board.
"Now, class! Does any one know what these say?" The teacher asked.I looked up at the blackboard. I expected it to be all jumbled together, like everything is since im dyslexic, but it wasn't (well not that bad). Somehow I understand it.I raised my hand.

The teacher pointed to me. "Yes, Miss.Mally?"
"It says, Alpha and omega" I said, still shocked as to how i knew that. I could feel the boy beside me eyes' piercing the side of my face."Correct you are!" The teacher said.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
A:N: HEY EVERYONE! Hope you all enjoy my fanfic!! This chapter is short, but the others will be much longer.Anyone wanna guess who lyras parent is?! It might not be who u think.Xoxo, Kendra

Ok so, you may see the exact same story up to chapter 10 on the no longer active page @newtobi-wanremus, but that's my old acc and I lost the password soooo I just started posting it on here.

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