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Spitting blood on the floor, Lucca's hands shake as he fights his posture.

"The Cruciatus Curse is, among the Big Three Unforgivable Curses, the only one which can be done if you meant it."

Strength is key. Falling down, curling and crying won't do the trick to cease the punishment. Pandora loathes weakness the most. Her mentality to endure pain has cut deep into Lucca but Crucio was created to inflict excruciating torture on its victim. Lucca can't count to ten and start again until the bleeding stops, there are no amount of slashes to be done with and get healed. Cruciatus comes from inside, it acts on the whole body and leaves injuries for months.

"And I do mean to harm you, Lucca," Pandora's boot touches his chin, tilting it up to look at her face. "I would love to cut you one, watch you bleed and let the rats eat your remains."

Next to her, Preston glances at him. His stoic expression is perfectly on point, he schools his own intentions like a second skin and Lucca has to admire it. He smirks, wondering if Pandora is too blinded in power to see through his little act.

Pandora, outraged, kicks him across the face. Her boot impacts on his jaw and Lucca reckons he spit out a tooth or two. But he still manages to stare at her, knowing he outsmarted her and his sisters are safe, and endure another cruciatus. Her knuckles are turning white as she grips her wand, slowly losing control of herself. Her magic is invasive and disgusting, it leaves a taste of rotten eggs on his mouth. But the fact William listened to him, allowing Lucca to return alone while he stays with Lupin until Death Eaters stop searching for Harry's whereabouts is pure joy in the middle of the storm. Lucca can't say he lost already, he is advancing and Pandora finally recognizes him as an opponent to be cautious about.

While she paces in front of him, ideas reformulating in her head, Lucca sees the lanky figure of Adam Clive standing with a very frightened Suri. Preston clears his throat, announcing their guests, and Pandora finally turns to face them.

"Yes, Suri?"

The house-elf gulps, visibly pale. "Mistress has a visitor in the pink drawing room."

Pandora raises her wrist to check on the time. It must be around five in the morning, Lucca reckons, but it could have been days. Time is silent these days, passing unannounced.

"Visitor?" she asks calmly. "Who?"

"He called himself an old friend of yours, madam," Adam Clive interrupts. His eyes dart towards Preston. "From Hogwarts days."

Lucca's senses awaken. He watches Pandora's face shift different emotions, from surprise to anger, then understanding. She takes in the information patiently, as if a dark wizard isn't sitting in the pink drawing room. Lucca shudders at the idea of Voldemort under his same roof.

"Serve him tea, Suri. I'll be there in a minute."

To Lucca's amusement, her loyal house-elf doesn't move.

"Suri, do as I say."

"Mistress Pandora," Suri raises her voice slightly, surprising them. "Your guest is... None wants to serve him tea, Mistress! His manners are unacceptable even for house elves!"

"You're a ridiculous creature if you think you can judge manners —"

"He is angry, Madam," says Clive. "And tea has been served already but... One of your house-elves is dead in the main drawing room, so we had to move him to the pink one."

Lucca isn't sure if he sees regret or pity in her eyes but Pandora finds herself out of words. Preston, on the other hand, clenches his jaw and subtly draws out his wand.

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