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Something shifts after that night. Lucca realizes, days later, he has made his first ever promise and he meant it. But the fear of Pandora's letter requesting his presence for the Easter hols breaks down his expectations of a future. Lucca has forgotten, partly, about the deal, and now he doesn't really know how to face Harry without the nauseous sensation in his throat.

Harry notices Lucca's mind is working at unhealthy paces. He notices, too, Lucca is odd and secretive. He asks questions, more than ever, and the topic of the war is discussed openly for the first time. Lucca got himself into this mess and he has to get out before breaking Harry's heart. But that's predicted, isn't it? Lucca being the one who will betray Harry for his own freedom (part freedom, he still has to marry Alexis and solve that mess, too). And Lucca has common sense to lie and shrug it off and pretend there is nothing to worry about. Harry doesn't believe him, he can read Lucca like an open book and write an article review about it in less than an hour.

Their dynamic changes, too. They take time from each other. Lucca focuses on his team and exchanging letters with Alexis, using her as a bridge to reach Kyle under Harry's nose, and starts scheming a plan to save his sisters. Harry has his meetings with Dumbledore, charming Slughorn and calming Ron's nerves to face Hufflepuff in two weeks and later Ravenclaw.

This sort of distance isn't bad. Whenever they cross ways Harry smiles bright, kisses him (on the lips, on the forehead or on the cheek), sometimes he takes his hand and squeezes it. Other times, Harry is less subtle; he comes from behind and nuzzles his face on Lucca's neck, sighing content to just be there and Lucca wraps a possessive arm around his waist, watching carefully how others look away (they probably wish to be in Lucca's place). And it feels good because Lucca doesn't need to be there to scare suicidal idiots who don't know their place (away from Harry), it's almost like the whole school came to an agreement that they won't be away from the other.

Lucca wishes it was different because it will hurt like hell when they break up. Against Lucca's will and for Harry's own good. And Harry seems to sense it, too. He looks at Lucca differently, as if he is waiting for Lucca to say it, to break his promise, and Lucca pretends there is nothing wrong with him. It's not they don't trust each other but Harry trusts Lucca too much and Lucca can't reveal his secrets like he wants to. Harry knows. He knows Lucca hides things (not Quidditch related) and he isn't revealing any secrets soon. But he doesn't push and doesn't argue.

Then, instead of fighting like normal couples do, Harry and Lucca abuse their captaincy to lash their anger and frustration.

The members of his team are quite surprised and tired of all the new ways of exercising without the brooms (running around the pitch, avoiding the enchanted snowballs and learning more about team work by having a whole afternoon together in the common room doing homework). Isaac and Josephine are scared of him and Liz thinks it is a personal attack due to her closeness to Lottie McCarthy. Meanwhile, Hillary and Timothee are enthusiastic, ready for any sort of challenge coming from Lucca. They don't his rudeness or snarky mood, which is oddly nice but strange. Aurora doesn't react, she understands Quidditch is serious business. She likes Lucca doesn't hide his ambition. Lucca wants to win no matter what. He will show no mercy towards the others, his team is made of champions.

He is not that calm about Gryffindor. Yes, they have Harry Potter, youngest seeker in a century (Lucca really doesn't care about seekers, he thinks Quidditch would be better off without them but he won't admit such harmful truth to Harry). However, Harry as captain isn't close to Lucca's ability to pull together a team (not that he doesn't believe in his boyfriend's leadership, but... Lucca is realistic). And with Lucca's wits and Aurora's secret talent, there is no way Gryffindor know what is coming for them.

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