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The second his grandfather opens the door, Lucca feels immediately at home. The smell of fresh baked bread, the sound of the wood cracking on the fireplace, the view of the white mountains and the familiar faces grinning at him.

All the worries fall from his shoulders and the warmness of his family welcomes him.

Abuelita Nora embraces him in a bone crush hug, a laughter escapes her lips with tons of questions and comments.

"You were just a child when you left!" she cries, holding his face with both hands. "Now you're so tall, so handsome! My baby Lulu!"

Lucca is ashamed to cry a bit, out of happiness, out of nostalgia, out of everything. He doesn't know, he doesn't care. He has always been a cry baby. Abuelita Nora dries his tears, laughing at him. She whispers he is just like Abuelito Daniel, sentimental and with a pure heart. Lucca laughs because that's true, his grandpa is a bit too sentimental. He can see it when he reaches for Francesca and hugs her tightly, tears falling down his face.

"About time you come! It's been a while, we're wondering if those Britons kidnapped you," Nora says and rubs her hands, gaining heat. She moves from the door and beckons at them. "Come in, come in. It's freezing out there!"

Winter in Argentina is less horrible than in England. There aren't snowstorms, humidity and less rain. Even if they are in the south of the country, the cold air isn't a bother. Or maybe Lucca doesn't hate the winter as much as he thinks, maybe it's because he is finally at home.

"Vee, help me with the luggage," Francesca mutters when Lucca sits next to his sister. Venice groans. "No complaining. Come on."

"Ask Lucca. He is stronger than me."

"He can't use magic, seriously Vee," their mother laughs at her face. "You forgot that? The trace broke on your birthday."


"Help me here so we can have lunch."

Giordano Palace is the name of their grandparents' home. His mother once lived there with her older brothers and sister. It's a big house, with enough rooms for all the family and visitors. All the family gatherings, birthdays, holidays and asados take place at the Giordano Palace.

Lucca has a lot of memories here, with his cousins and sisters and for some reason it feels so distant from his new present. His mother always told him comparing was bad but he can't help it when Nora and Daniel shower him in kisses and hugs and ask him about his life at Hogwarts, they are happy to see him, they care about it and it feels nice. Pandora and Oscar would never show their affection, not even a pat on the back or a smile. They act like royalty, so full of themselves that makes Lucca sick in the stomach.

Here, however, Lucca forgets about etiquette. Even though they are purebloods, Abuelita Nora and Abuelito Daniel hate to act all aristocratic. Both are important healers, they own various territories and their vaults have loads of gold they often donate to charity. They could own a manor twice the size of their current home and give up the farm, but they enjoy simple life. They build their home on hard work. It wasn't always like this, Lucca knows because his mother always mentions how lucky they are to be born in a golden crib.

Lucca admits he is a bit posh. He enjoys wearing expensive robes, buying fancy stuff and being pampered with loads of presents. However, nothing of that compares to being spoiled with his favourite dishes, a warm bed waiting for him and loads of hugs and kisses.

"You came in the perfect season to see the bloom of the Moon Lilies," says Abuelita Nora while serving Lucca's second plate of stew. "I've planned all these places to visit. The girls will be jealous but I don't care, you haven't been here in a while and a lot has changed since then. We can visit the library, you still enjoy reading, Mily, right?"

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