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There is a huge commotion in the Ravenclaw Tower the following morning when everyone notices Milan and Lucca are back. Most of their housemates try to get any kind of information about what happened but with Milan and Aurora, they came into a silent agreement to not mention the situation to anyone else but the people they trust.

Luna and Padma understand at once, they are less likely to treat Aurora any different because she was tortured. Terry doesn't seem to find it fair and mentions she should talk about it if she wants to.

"It was traumatic," he says when Padma calls him nosy. "She mustn't hide her emotions, it's not healthy for her!"

Lucca prefers to not take part in their argument and goes to see Venice to the Hospital Wing in the evening. Milan joins him, too, saying she wants an explanation on why Cedric is still alive.

"It's not right, Lucca," she says. "He was dead — how is it even possible?"

Lucca doesn't know either. The way Harry and Cedric escaped from Voldemort is a mystery to him. He's just glad they are alive.

Two Aurors are guarding the entrance, however, they let them pass as Milan points out she has clothes for Venice and Cedric. The first thing they see is that Venice is awake and playing cards with Cedric. Poppy doesn't seem to mind them as the real Moody is her main concern. She doesn't miss to mention she was afraid many of them had left but under Dumbledore's orders she isn't one to argue.

"I suppose he didn't want me to be stressed over many people being hurt," Poppy whispers to Lucca. "But everyone is in perfect physical condition except Mad-Eye."

And she glances over the other bed with the curtains closed. "Maybe you ought to talk to him, Lucca. Mr. Potter had a rough night. Mr. Diggory said he didn't sleep."

Lucca glances at Milan, she shrugs. "You're his friend, aren't you?"

"We need to talk to Vee and Cedric first," he states. They approach the duo.

Venice pulls Lucca into a tight hug, whispering how much she missed him. Lucca says it back because he really missed Venice and the fact she was hurt because of him doesn't make it better. He already lost a sister before, he wouldn't live if he loses them both.

"What happened to you?" he dares to ask. "Milan said you were missing!"

Venice glances to where Poppy is attending Moody, she shakes her head. "It was my fault, I admit. He had to sign something for me (as our DADA professor the Auror Program asks for a recommendation letter to all Hogwarts students interested in joining). So when he was reading the papers, he said he was going to complete it and send it for me so I could go for dinner but..."

To everyone's annoyment, Venice has the nerve to laugh. "I said 'well, that's the least you can do after you killed my sister's owl' and you can guess he didn't take it as a joke. He put me inside his chest with Moody. Professor Dumbledore and Dad found us."

"He thought the plan was going to work," says Milan, whispering. "He expected You-Know-Who to succeed so he didn't care if it was suspicious you were missing."

"I've been getting on his nerves for a while," says Venice. "Since Lucca was moved to St. Mungo I didn't hide my dislike towards him."

"You're an idiot," says Lucca.

"It's a family trait then," Venice retorts and stands up. "I'm going to change and go for dinner."

Venice takes her clothes from Milan and walks over her bed, closing the curtains.

Lucca shifts on his chair, sensing Cedric and Milan eyeing him closely. Lucca can guess they want time alone to talk, so he walks over Harry's bed. He stands outside the curtains and hesitates. He needs to see if Harry is alright but he doesn't want to bother him, what if Harry wants to be alone? Maybe he should get Ron or Hermione.

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