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The worst part of waking up isn't the drowsiness or the headaches or the numbness in his body. He has dealt with it for years now. No matter how many times he wakes up in the hospital wing, it still feels exactly like the first time. Yet, there is a heaviness in his chest which does worry him a little bit. And he knows it has nothing to do with the three new scars across his chest but Pandora sitting across of him.

"Malfoy and Berbamn agreed to this," she says calmly. "They even added more details. Berbamn has confirmed Professor Flitwick there has been a fight with Potter when he found out you two are friends."

Lucca's hands shake as he cups the goblet with water. Pandora has her eyes on him, wry smile on her face. It makes him sick how much she is enjoying the situation, how much she likes to be feared.

"I thought you wanted me to spy on him."

"It would be for the best to keep an eye close to him, yes," as she mumbles those words, Lucca lowers his eyes to the magazine sitting on the end of the bed. "You knew it was eventual to end, Lucca. It was either this or the little article about your engagement. But you come cleaner and it benefits the campaign, don't you think?"

Alexis' bright smile flashes in the cover one more time before Lucca pushes it with his foot. Kyle has said that if the Prophet or Witch Weekly discover this, then Harry would have the perfect excuse to finally leave. Lucca would have preferred that over this. He doesn't want to portray Harry as an abusive boyfriend. He doesn't want the wizarding population doubting him. But Pandora... Pandora needs this. She wants the power and Dumbledore is losing credibility with his choices.

Without intending, Lucca has taken a role in the wrong side of the war. Not with Voldemort but perfectly clear against Harry and Dumbledore and the Order.

Pandora didn't exactly say she is against Dumbledore. However, after three weeks with her; gaining her trust and keeping up with his training to be her perfect little heir, she has open a side of her Lucca isn't ready to face yet. Venice said Pandora's plans are inclined to let Voldemort and Dumbledore kill each other, allow the war and then take over the world with a fake heroic act. Lucca agrees but also he thinks there is something else in her schemes. The way she reacted when Lucca told her everything about the horcruxes only confirmed his previous theories: Pandora doesn't only want immortality, she wants more magic.

"What do you want me to do next?" Lucca asks.

"This is why I like you, Lucca. You know how to read people so well."

Lucca feels sick at the way her eyes shine.

"There is something hidden in this castle which belongs to me," Pandora whispers even though none can hear. Her magic is thicker and stronger than ever. It's terrifying.

"What is it?"

"The Ravenclaw diadem."

Lucca is certain he isn't drugged with potions, those wore off hours ago when he woke up a second time. Were Pandora a different person, Lucca would have laughed and called her a loony. Again, Pandora isn't a fool. Her face remains stoic as Lucca blinks, processing her words.

"Isn't it...lost?"

"Someone took it from me, an old friend. He hid it here and I want you to find it and bring it to me."


Her hand twitches, revealing her wand, and Lucca falls silent. He nods, deciding he doesn't need more scars. It was difficult to explain his new additions to Poppy, saying he has been training with his father during the break. She didn't believe him but said nothing. Poppy is aware who has hurt him, she always knew, but little she could do.

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