from a dumb ravenclaw

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   One of the things that Lucca never liked about Ravenclaw was the fact that he doesn't think he belongs there.

   Lucca Sallow isn't the cleverest boy in Ravenclaw, not the wittiest or smartest or creative. He doesn't have the impulse to solve every mystery on his way or read tons of books to join debates. It doesn't matter if by the age of eleven he knew how to speak three languages and has a mixture of accents in his tongue. Or that his natural talent for Quidditch is remarkable enough to join his house team in his second year. Or that even with his memory problems, he can solve all sorts of puzzles. Lucca still only feels he doesn't fit in his family standards. He feels out of place.

   His family excuses his low grades and long list of detentions with his curse, but even if Lucca is cursed and can't remember many things and acts on pure impulse, there is a little voice in the back of his head whispering he is wrong. He is a mistake. He shouldn't be there. Since he sat at the Ravenclaw table, Lucca wondered why it felt so wrong to wear blue robes and have a library in one of the highest towers.

  Why is there something odd with the idea of being in Ravenclaw when his whole family was sorted there for generations?

   At least he isn't alone. His friends were the first ones to bring his confidence about being part of the best house of Hogwarts. Padma Patil, who is not the smartest witch in their class but observes details the rest ignores. Aurora Faust, who is too smart for her own good yet too shy to prove it. And Terrence Boot, who comes up with the most creative ways to express himself. They aren't like the rest of the Ravenclaws, they fit better, and Lucca feels he belongs with them.

   Saying that Lucca is an odd Ravenclaw is not correct or incorrect. He can memorize algorithms for his Rubik Cubes, he can play any position in Quidditch and he can easily localize the planets in a chart and tell your astral card like it's nothing. Also, and most important fact, Lucca has the talent to say the wrong thing at the wrong moment.

   It wasn't until Halloween of 1992 when this started.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware."

   After reading it, Lucca turned to Padma with a cheeky grin and said, "last year we had this massive three head dog and now this. What is this bloke going to do? Send a giant snake to kill us?"

  Padma smacked his head, saying he didn't have respect for Mrs. Norris, which had been petrified. Terry snorted so loud that his chocolates almost came out his nose. But Aurora raised an eyebrow, particularly interested in his choice of words.

  It wasn't the fact he can come up with the stupidest things to say but how they made sense after something related to them happened. 

   Lucca Sallow has the talent to say the wrong thing at the wrong moment. 

   Or predict things without even trying.

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