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"I don't understand," are familiar words to Lucca. Cursed or not, he doesn't fully comprehend what his grandmother is trying to say. "You knew, this whole time you knew about Felicia."

Nora doesn't seem to listen to him and stands up, asking him to follow her. Lucca strides behind her. He recognizes the way to the attic, where the library is located.

"It's good she isn't around," Nora says while climbing the stairs. "I had the pleasure to meet Regulus, the boy who was with her that day."

"And you didn't do anything...?" to save me from the curse, to save me from Felicia, to help.

"I know what you are thinking, mi vida, but I wasn't the one meant to let you remember things that at the age of eight aren't common," Abuelita Nora sounds sad, frustrated, it causes a pain in his stomach. "You see, Lucca, what happened to you wasn't exactly a curse, just a demon magic. Felicia is young, she was kidnapped when she was barely learning how to use her own magic. She clearly doesn't know beyond disappearing and appearing, how to act like a shield and remove memories."

"You mean she is useless?"

"No, she's just weak. Perfect to protect a wizard without killing him while consuming their magic. There's a lot of creatures that feed from other's magic cores, Iaras, Vampires, Genies and Dementors. All of them suck parts of your magic. Demons do the same thing, the problem is that they are entities that are linked to human objects and limited to their freedom."

The memory of Felicia not being able to touch the ring comes to his mind, that'd make sense. If she touched the ring and found a way to set her free, she'd be unstoppable.

"And why the Grim, if it is so powerful, doesn't stop Felicia and get back what she stole?"

Nora shrugs, "Death is busy all the time. I have heard a myth of the Grim and its messengers, well demons, working to find the people that die everyday."

"Does Milan know this?" is the first question that comes to his mind.

Milan has a deep connection with Death, probably beyond a normal seer. She can feel it, sense it and see it before it happens. Could she be a messenger from Death? If she is one maybe she should know or maybe she knew this whole time and lied about her visions. No, Milan would never lie to him. She is terrible at it or Lucca knows her better than anyone else, after all they only have a year and months of difference between them.

"I don't think so," Nora says thoughtfully. "Milan only has the visions. She isn't causing the death of anyone or collecting souls. Just an average witch."

"But she only sees when people die..."

"Then something else triggered her Inner Eye," says Nora. "Something we can't explain. Magic evolves all the time. Not many people understand this, wizards are the traditionalist sort."

Lucca thinks he knows what probably triggered Milan's Inner Eye. She died before. Could that be the cause? Her own death?

"Is it really that bad that Cedric is alive?" Lucca asks.

"The Grim pays an eye for an eye. Balance is important."

Lucca feels his knees go weak.

"Do I have to kill him?" Lucca doesn't want to kill Cedric to keep their world balanced. That's so messed up.

"Never taint your hands with such a thing, Luquita," his grandmother shakes her head and pats his back. "Felicia brought him back, she needs to take him away. Or someone else, someone innocent might die. If Felicia plays god a third time, the Grim won't have mercy on us."

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