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Hedwig ruffles her wings angrily.

"I already gave you not one, not two, but three sausages," Lucca rolls his eyes, yet again offering another piece of his breakfast. "If your owner knows I am overfeeding you, he'll have my neck."

Hedwig hoots, not moving from her spot, and Milan chuckles gently stroking her head.

"She's such a lovely owl," she says. "Aren't you, princess? Such a good, hardworking owl."

Lucca scoffs even though he agrees. Hedwig is a lovely owl. It's been two weeks since Harry's birthday and they have been owling ever since, not talking about anything specific (just in case their letters get intercepted) but updating each other on their daily days. Harry told Lucca he was made captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and that he should be prepared. Lucca congratulated him and warned to not engage his inner Slytherin (not really as a joke). Harry laughed and asked about the interview in the Prophet, the one Lucca and his family took after Pandora addressed new security for Ministry workers.

I would rather be attending a Potions class than going to these Ministry meetings, Lucca wrote in his last letter. Please, save me from this boredom.

Lucca had worst summers than this one. Pandora and Preston busy schedules barely allows them to torture Lucca and Milan with their duties as the future Sallows. William, who is more present in the house than them, barely gives them any trouble as he is concentrated in his paperwork.

But that doesn't mean Lucca has total freedom to scape to see Harry at the Burrow everyday. For one, security reasons. Secondly, Lucca actually enjoys his training. And thirdly, Hogwarts is two weeks away. They will have enough time there.

Milan pours him a glass of lemonade. "Why don't you invite him over?"

"Are you insane?" Lucca scowls. "Yeah, sure. Let me bring Harry over and sit him down for tea with —"

He stops talking when he sees a woman coming from the back entrance.

Milan laughs. "Come on, Lu. They aren't around to notice."

"Milan, shut up."

His sister lowers the jar and slowly turns to Pandora, who is approaching in a steady peace, looking her usual angry self.

Pandora walks gracefully towards them with Suri, her right hand in the Manor. Her wrinkled face shows the disgust by seeing both of them relaxing way too much. Lucca sees Pandora's eyes dangerously looking at Hedwig, and then at Lucca.

"Oi!" Milan croaks, glaring at Pandora. "We've just ended training, we need a rest."

"That can wait, we've a meeting."

"A meeting?" Lucca asks. "With who?"

"Rufus Scrimgeour," she says, clearly sulky. "The Minister has invited us for dinner at his place, important business. You will come along."

Milan frowns, clearly lost. "Why?"

"I am far from incredulous, Milan," Pandora says. "If I can't trust you to keep our family's name clean, then you must be there to understand what we do."

Lucca can read between lines. He thinks Pandora is being ridiculous. Now Harry is seen as the Chosen One and everyone's favourite boy, Lucca wonders if she would consider their relationship.

"New robes has been sent to your quarters," Pandora is explaining hurriedly. "Reims will explain your roles there but to be brief; we need more insiders. Doubt people would suspect you, they deceive you as naïve and incredulous. I think otherwise, you have proven to see beyond words. Therefore, as various political figures will attend, I have a special request— Lucca, are you even listening?"

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