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For a long while Zhan couldn't just proceed to take any step. Yibo's pitiful wails fell on his ears. Yes the guy broke down once he locked himself up in the bathroom. 

"Yibo..! I'm sorry .. Did I.. Did I hurt you by any means..?"

His voice was mere whisper, and by any means the latter person didn't hear. Getting back from his numbness, he quickly rubbed his palms over his cheeks and eyes. Why? Coz he had tears that wet down his cheeks. 

Stumbling on to his feet, calling for the younger, he finally went upto the locked door. And he banged on it.

"Yibo... Please open the door... What did I do?"

He asked in a painful tone, a voice that clearly resembles sadness. The latter person, suddenly ceased his wails, and uncontrollable hiccups and sniffles could he still heard. Well stopped crying coz he wanted to reply back.

"Go ... *hiccup* Away... *sniffle*.. *hiccup* .. Gege.. *hiccup*.. I... *sniffle*.. Don't want... to be with you..*Sob*"

Yibo's words came out as muffles. Zhan felt a pang on his heart, when once again the younger soul started to sob. He could feel how miserable Yibo was at that moment. But he couldn't compose the reason behind.

Was it coz he suddenly fell ill? Was it coz of Mei? Or was it coz he did anything that Yibo didn't want? He was really confused by the sudden etiquette of the younger. 

"Yibo please... Bo-di.. okay come and hit me.. Curse me.. But please talk to me.. I can't let you be alone.."

"Gege.. I'm already hurting.. Please leave me alone... Please.."

Later said between sniffles. Yet somehow , he seemed little calm. Zhan knew only thing Yibo needed at that moment is support. The moment he started to talk with him, Yibo is much calm than earlier.

"Bo-di.. Mei she's no one to me.. Really you.. I.. I.. You know what.. I like.. I like being with you.. You are my present.. and also my future.."

He was such a mess when it comes to confess. Well he still couldn't just say out loud, well 'I love you Yibo.' Poor him. 

Zhan really smacked his own head. When he could feel the latter person, much more at ease. His sniffles lessen, his pants and hiccups were reducing too. Zhan guessed Yibo was upset coz of Mei. 

But to what he didn't understand, that Yibo was getting nausea , and his eyes were blurring out too. 

"Zhan Ge.. I.. Zhan Ge .. I'm tired.."

Said him, leaning at the bathroom door, clutching his hand over his chest. His voice was coarse. His breath seemed to be shortened. 

Oh no please! This wasn't something Zhan wanted. Will Yibo have to be admitted now. What was going on? He was struck with fear that moment.

"Yibo.. honey walk out.. Please kiddo.. Don't make me worry more.. Huh! Okay.. Please come out.."

He said in a hurry, while his hand kept struggling with the door knob, to open the door.  But to what he was almost taken aback, when he heard a weak chuckle. A chuckle that didn't had the sweetness that younger soul has, a chuckle that didn't seem any good. 

"Zhan Ge.... You ... Are no one to worry about me.."

He voiced out in a mere whisper, between long troubled breath, and he led out another mocking chuckle.

"Yibo.. It's not funny... Just don't fucking do what you want to.."

And Zhan angrily banged at the door. Really hard. Well! situation really took some turn, after he uttered that. 

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