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After getting another nap for an hour or so, Yibo finally started to roll and scroll around his mattress like a pig in soil. 

"Aish ! Look at this punk. I even came back from jogging and you still not bothered to get up." Was the sudden scolding Yibo heard. It was enough to startle him, and soon he was on the floor. "Aiyaaah! Zhan Ge! I got hurt coz of you." Yibo started to whine like a kid and kept scratching his hand over his arse. "Aiiishhh! Now that you get hurt falling from just that height .. Huh?"  Saying that Zhan neared the younger man, and suddenly dropped himself to Yibo's level. 

Yibo didn't know what was about to happen, and within few seconds, they were sharing a chain of laughter. One couldn't stop giggling as Zhan was poking and tickling his tummy, while Zhan laughed at him in adoration. 

"Zhan Ge ! Stop .. Ahaha ! Aiyaa tummy hurt.. Ahaha! Ahh!" And the room was filled with happy and warming clatters of joy. 

They didn't know for how long they spent poking, pulling and pushing each other. Hearing them from outside someone would think, they have been visited by kids. They were literally whining and bickering, for god knows how long. Yibo was really happy. This is what he wanted isn't it. He even tried to act more cuter and softer than he could ever be. His face was flushing red, either with the shyness or for laughing too much. 

Meanwhile, for a while Zhan wasn't thinking with his rational mind. He was dragged into the chain of playfulness. He was laughing this freely after a long while. He was behaving this childish after a long while. Even when his mind tries to conflict, but his heart would domain, and keep him live the moment. Not too long after, they were muddled by the bangs of knocks at the door.

"Who is it?" Zhan growled , a little disappointed. But he was quick enough to cover his facial expression. 

"It's me." Came the reply. And Zhan knew the owner well. "Why did you come?" Zhan said finally clicking the door knob open. "ZhanZhan ! Are you guys alright? " Asked Lu. "Yes everything is fine why?" Asked the latter tilting his head a little. "No just I heard loud screams and even filthy laughter. So.. I though if Yibo was doing okay." Scratching her nape, Lu uttered. 

"Lu! He's doing good. I was just teasing him. Go check on him if you want to get proof." Said Zhan, and opening the door little wider. On entering, Lu was welcomed by a little Yibo wrapped back within his blanket and smiling at Lu. More like blushing. 

"Yibo! you're really so cute. ZhanZhan you are lucky to pet this kid. Ahem!" And here she goes to her fujoshi mind. She turned to face Zhan, and winked at him. Zhan was confused at her act, and just shook his head. He knew to what extent this girl and Zoey and go, to tease someone to death, or either making the thing come true.

"Now what's that you're flickering mind is planning on, less crazy bug?" Said Zhan , as he walked nearer to her. "Just so... *giggle* .. And who's crazy bug.. You lovesick lad.. *Waay!* "Sticking her tongue out to him, and playfully smacking the person in his arm, Lu finally ran out of the room, screaming weirdly that followed by her evil giggles. She must be happy to get new info for her roomie. She couldn't wait to share. Zhan could hear the door opened and was locked with a loud thud, after Lu screamed Zoey's name in a *big news* manner. 

Zhan facepalmed himself, and also kept shaking his head in denial. He locked his own door and sighed. "These bugs can really be annoying.. Aren't they?" Yibo giggled on seeing Zhan's frustrated face. 

"Zhan Gege! what was she talking about?" Asked him with innocence.. "Huh! ohh! She was just.. that,, uhh blabbering nonsense. Why don't you go and fresh up.. go .. goooo." 

Zhan pulled Yibo by his hand, and pushed him until he was right inside the bathroom. "Zhan Ge! why do you not tell me?" Whined the latter with a adorable pout. Zhan's breath hitched. His eyes couldn't help but stare at those swollen red sleepy kissable lips. "*Ahem! Ahem* Will you go? Aish this punk question too much..." Saying that Zhan pushed Yibo away from the door and pulled the bathroom door close. He could hear the younger still kept whining his name a little more before he finally let go. 

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