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It was meantime. Half of the classes were over and they were having lunch break. It was pass noon. 

Yibo decided to introduce his new friend to his dormitory seniors. The guy was from Korea and Yibo has learnt the language for about two years in his high school days. He was fluent at it. So rather than speaking in English, he decided to approach Seung Youn in Korean. Yibo knew that guy was much more shy than he himself is. And he knew if not him Seung Youn wouldn't have made any friend.

More than himself Yibo decided to care about his new friend. Yibo is really a genuine person.

Walking out of the classroom, Yibo decided to call Yubin. He could have called Zhan, but for some reason he couldn't dare to. Dialing the number, he gestured Seung Youn to walk along him. 

"Do you know where's the canteen..?"

Whispered Youn in a really low tone. Yibo nodded at him with a smile and grabbed his hand while walking towards the canteen. 

"Hey! Bin Ge.. Where are you guys? ... yeah I'm heading to.. Okay see you there.."

And he hung up. Yubin said they were on the way to canteen. More than anyone else Yibo was longing to see someone the most. Yes his Zhan Ge. His eyes were lingering over the places to track the face he wanted to admire. Seung Youn was confused as why Yibo was staring here and there if he knows the way to the canteen. And he dared to ask.

"Hey! You... You forgot the way?"

"Huh! What way?"

"To the canteen..."

"*Giggle* No it's right there.. do you see it?"

Saying that Yibo pointed his finger to way where the canteen was. It was just few meters away. And they began to walk again. Yibo had a big smile on his face. He didn't know the reason, but he was smiling. Just at the thought of getting to see the face, he was already so happy. He is so sweet and innocent. Even when Zhan was hurting him, he couldn't resist for falling more for that person.

"Then why are you staring here and there.."

"Ohh! *Giggle* I was waiting for some of my friends... I'll introduce them to you.."   

The canteen was half filled. Scanning the way to the empty end, he decided to keep seats for them too. Letting Seung Youn take his seat, he went to give the order for both of them. 

Meantime Zhan , Yubin and even the other friends arrived. Seeing Yibo walking towards the counter, Yubin ran up to him. Grabbing the younger by his shoulder, he made him stop. Yibo turned to face the person. For a milli second he really got scared, as he thought someone was there to pick at him. Sighing a breathe of relief, he smiled at the person. 

"Hey! go get to your seat.. I'll order it for you.. What would you have?.. Umm.. Burger?"

"Bin Ge! I'm here with one of my new friend.. We both decided to order  Ham Sandwich."

"Oh! It's really good you got a new friend Yibo.. Well okay I'll order for both of you.. Go take your seat along them.."

Hearing Yubin saying 'them', he thought Zhan must be there too. And even when he didn't mean to be that obvious. Involuntarily he spit out his heart.

"Zhan Ge is here?.. I mean ... I.. Is everyone here..?"

He shyly smiled , while scratching his nape. He knew he was doomed. But what could he just do. He was so much into that person. 

*Loud laughter* Yes yes! your Zhan Ge and even the other's are here go join them.." 

Yubin walked away saying that. Meanwhile, Yibo froze to the floor when he turned around to return to his place. This was not suppose to happen, but it already happened. Zhan was just a little afar from them and was smiling evilly. His smile was clear enough to say , that  he heard them all. 

FATED SOULS_ ZHANYI [COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن