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There was a moment when neither  them knew what to speak. Yibo was beyond terrified and his finger tips restlessly played with each other. This was not what he wanted. The room was filled with hurtful sobs of the younger, while the elder kept sighing from time to time. And as we say , we crave and do things, we don't meant to when we are annoyed. At the moment Zhan was holding grudge against himself, yet he was so angry he tried to put the blame on the other. 

"Yibo! Can you stop crying. Fucking annoying.. Once I'm sober, you act all innocent. Is it all on me.. Huh?" Zhan growled in a tone, Yibo never even imagined of. And not just that, Zhan's anger was growing, he took a glass in his hand and threw it to the wooden floor. 

Broken pieces shattered everywhere in the floor. Yibo flinched, and his breath got stuck in his throat. He started to hyperventilate. His sobs turned to heavy hiccups, he seemed breathless. 

"Zhan Ge! Ahhh ! Ahhh!... " he wanted to speak, yet his voice couldn't come out.

He clutched to his chest and tried to pull his breath. He was panicking and shortened with his breath. It wasn't a good situation. His chest was engulfed in pain., and his head started to grow dizzier.

"Zhan Ge! " He shrilly called this time. He needed help.

Zhan who was sitting at the couch , face palming himself, seemed to notice. He saw the younger been into trouble. Zhan saw how Yibo was growing pale. His face seemed bloodless. In no second, without even minding the sharp blood sucking glass pieces at the floor, he ran upto the younger. 

"Yibo what is it? Yibo! Stop scaring me.." 

And he cared. Even if he would deny to himself for the umpteenth time, but he can't let anything happen to that kid. Rushing back to the nightstand, Zhan apacingly returned with a glass of water. "Yibo! ... Shushhh! It's fine.. Drink this.. Calm down.. Okay we'll talk about this.. calm down.." Zhan himself made the younger drink the water, and embraced him, and slowly cooing his back, and tried to sooth him. Slowly the person in the elder's arm, came to rest, yet his hiccups were unending. Zhan kept patting and stroking his back. Until then, that Yibo made courage to speak.

"Zhan Ge! ...*hiccup*.... Even if....*hiccup*.... you say for the..*hiccup*.. millionth time it's a mistake...*hiccup*... I know... I.. I ... have romantic feelings .. for you...*hiccup* .. the one Lu Jie...*hiccup*.. said to me..*hiccup* .

 Zhan hopped away, his face was furrowing again. His anger was back. But the moment he stared into the younger's eyes, he saw that uncertain sincerity within Yibo. Yibo's eyes were tear struck yet, he unblinkingly stared into Zhan. He wanted to tell Zhan for once that he wants him. That he needs him. 

 "Yibo! Don't talk something you don't mean it.. You know this is impossible.."

"Zhan Ge ! I mean it with all my heart... Gege .. I never felt this for anyone.. You're the first person.. I .. feel so safe with.." 

And once again he said with all his sincerity and more in a calming tone. But that seemed to grow more anger in the elder, coz he seemed to shudder at the sudden raze. 

"Yibo! It's enough.. I'm protecting you doesn't mean you'll act this ridiculous to your senior.. Don't talk impossible.." 

He growled back. Forcing each time he said the word, *impossible*. As if speaking it with more coarse tone, will make it true. Yibo hung his head lower. He knew , if he keeps saying, Zhan would end up hitting him. He knew or he felt Zhan hates him more. And now that he wanted to blame himself. 

YUBIN : "How is it so impossible Zhan? Did you thought of once before fucking him last night...?"  And just like Zhan, even Yubin tried to put more emphasis at the word. The voice flinched both the persons inside. They both eyed him with wide eyes. Zhan was embarrassed and his anger grew. He was about to walk upto to Yubin, when Yibo pulled him, while Yubin shouted from the door side.

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