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These few days were the hardest for Yibo. He couldn't express his true feelings, yet he couldn't say no to the offer. He hid himself and would cry , and beg himself for sleeping at nights. He went through sleepless nights and the bags under his eyes would clearly scream it out to all. Kuan was observing him all this while, but he knew how much of a stubborn kid Yibo was. If he chose not to say or discuss over a matter , there no one that can make him spit it out. 

Mrs. Ming still tried to convince her husband for the umpteenth time, and all her begs and requests goes to deaf ears. It pained her to see Yibo all heart broken. She could sense the fear that Yibo was going through. Yet she was helpless. Not only her even Yibo himself was helpless. If not for Mr. Ming, there's no one to change the fact that he needs to leave in another two days. 

"Bo! shall I come in?" Asked Mrs. Ming. She would bring him food in his room, as Yibo would refuse to eat and even leave his room. His health already started to degrade, wasting his pool of energy. "I'm not hungry... I told you.." Yibo replied in a sad, whispering tone. He seemed tired and his throat seemed raw. He seemed to be weak. "BoBo.. You're growing weak son. How will you deal in a new place with this deteriorating health of yours? Please eat a while. I'll feed you my baby." She tried to sound calm and soft, and yet tried hard to hide her pain. 

Yibo couldn't resist her request. His silence made her understand. She slowly approached her way into the room and went near the boy lying at the bed. Made him sit and for the next few moments she fed him in utmost silence. They were at loss of words. They couldn't find a way to comfort the other's pain. And both were equally aware of the other's pain.

"Sleep son! I love you always. I'll be here waiting for you to return." Saying that she softly pecked his cheeks and even forehead. Yibo could feel the wetness in the lady's face. It was known , she cried. Once she was gone, he poured out the bitterness he was holding onto. Silently cried until sleep hovered over. 

A sleep that would make him sweat out of scary nightmares he would get repeatedly. This was another reason he would resist himself from sleeping. Each night seemed to be the pool of nightmares , that would drown him to the deepest part of it's own. Yibo would tremble at his sleep, would let out low screams, so as not to wake up the others. And next he would cry out a river. He was extremely exhausted.

He scared of being alone. He would never put off his lights while he sleep. 'What if there I won't be able to sleep with lights on? What if I'm knocked out by those.. by..' And his thoughts of being encountered with ghosts or spirits would pull the shit out of him. He crawled himself into a ball, and hid his face into the crook of his knees and against his chest. 

Yet he chose the silence and would barely talk to Kuan or even his Aunt.  


Everything was prepared. Bags, Visa, passport and every possible thing that was needed for his journey. Hai Kuan too packed all his needy. Mrs. Ming decided to cook all their favorites as they would be leaving the next day. Yibo decided to act cheerful, as he knew if he leaves with a grumpy face , it'll just give nightmares to his beloved Auntie. He helped her in the kitchen and even made fun and teased her like the old days. For a moment, the three of them actually forget the sadness. Hai Kuan as always played along with his Didi. And Mrs. Ming too enjoyed their company. 

They cooked and served and then they called for Mr. Ming. He was in the study, and leisurely walked up to the table. After he settled in. The other three too took their seats. They said their prayers and finally Yibo and Kuan decided to enjoy their favorites. Even Mr. Ming felt happy on seeing both the sons happy. But back of the mind even he knew, they all hold the untold sadness. 

Once done eating, Mr. Ming decided to break the silence. "Yibo come to my study room." Saying that he left. Yibo hummed and stared left and right, once to his Ge and the other time to his Auntie. They just nodded at him and Mrs. Ming gave him a assuring pat at his back. 

Entering the study, Yibo felt sudden strangeness in the room. He could sense a strange feeling in the room. Mr. Ming wasn't at his table rather staring out of the window. Then that his eyes captured the pack of cigarette in Mr. Ming's hand and even one that he was already having. "Uncle Ming! Uncle Ming... When did you started to smoke again? You promised us you won't ever do it... Why did You?" Yibo ran up to the elderly man, and his face furrowed at the utmost displeasure.

"Bo! Am I being too harsh on you people?" came an reply in a deep tone. Yibo stared at him for a long while, and he could read the tensed face. " Uncle Ming! I know you're doing for our good. I'm sorry I was rude. I'll go and study well there. I won't disappoint you." Yibo sincerely hold onto his words. 

"I know Bo. I have faith on you." Said the man, as he took turn to face Yibo. Sighing a little Yibo stepped a little forward. "But I want a promise from you." Said he and paused for Mr. Ming to reply. "What is it?" Saying that , he stared at the hands that already pulled away the pack of cigarette from his hand. 

"Don't ever lay your hands on this. Don't hurt Auntie with your deeds. Please Uncle Ming." Saying that he threw the pack o cigarette into the dustbin. Mr. Ming hummed in response and himself threw the one that was already lit in his other hand, after putting it off. He stepped forward and suddenly pulled Yibo into an embrace. Being shocked at the sudden move Yibo didn't reciprocate the hug. 

Mr. Ming hummed and then that Yibo encircled his tiny hands around the elderly and snuggled into the warmth. "Do well son." Said Mr. Ming and patted Yibo's back again and again. They stood their for some moment. Mrs. Ming and Kuan were brought to tears when they saw the act being carried out. 

Yibo finally left the room. For some reason, now he had a percent confidence in him, that he would be able to go and have his job done well. He saw Mrs. Ming and Kuan waiting for him. He walked upto them. And in  no time, three of them engaged in a warm and emotional hug. Yibo finally broke into tears again. Mrs. Ming and Kuan tried their best to comfort the hurting baby of theirs. 

"BoBo! You have me there. I'll stay with you for few days. I'll even run to you whenever you need me." Saying that Kuan once again embraced his Didi. Even Mrs. Ming uttered comforting and assuring words again and again, and she would peck his cheeks , forehead and rub off the unstoppable tears. 

They took Yibo to his room and made him lie down on the bed and they assured him to have a good sleep. They felt scared to leave him alone , so they accompanied him that night. No one had a good sleep , yet they felt the warmth of being together, and enjoyed this warmth for the last time before he takes his leave. Yibo would weep suddenly from time to time. And Mrs. Ming and Kuan would shush him with their warm hugs and kisses. It felt they were taking care of a baby rather than a grown up teenager. 


All his checking were done. His bags were sealed with the checked marks. And he was settled at his window seat, alongside his brother. They were waiting for the plane to board from it's platform. Yibo kept his hands over his chest and kept taking deep breathes, and his actions didn't escape his brother's keen notice. Kuan held onto Yibo's hand and pulled it close to his lips. He pecked at the back of Yibo's palm, and firmly hold onto the hand with both his hands. 

Yibo forced a smile at him , and looked out of the window to blink off the tears. There begins his journey to the alien world of his. Yes he felt like he was travelling to a world of aliens traffic. 

Flight departed the Airport and Yibo could see the lower land growing smaller and smaller , until it seemed faded by the clouds , where he was floating in. He slid pass to the other side and rested his head at his brother's shoulder. Kuan slowly patted at his head in assurance.

"It's Okay Bo. I'm here." Saying so he himself leaned his head onto the younger's soft hairy head.  


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