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The more they went nearer and their landing was nearing, Yibo's heart felt an unimaginable pain in it's core. He's eyes would tear up from time to time, and he would take deep sighs and would shut his eyes tight so as to hold back his revealing sadness. Kuan was there reading his Didi's every move. He would stroke Yibo's palm again and again, as a means of comfort. It was really of a hard moment for him. Seeing Yibo in pain, is nothing but a pain to himself. 

Walking out of the Airport, Yibo made his pace to the lowest. It seemed as if his legs were already giving in. He would cling onto Kuan's arm, and would rest his head over the elder's shoulder. "Bo! It's fine Didi. Look you're not alone. I'm here with you." Saying that Kuan asked a taxi driver to help them with luggage. Yibo stood there without responding. He's locked to his tongue. His words were curled into the ball of sadness and stuck in his throat. He knew if he would speak much, he'll end up embarrassing himself with his stubborn tears. Failing to express himself, Yibo stood motionless at his position. Kuan was settling their luggage. 

"Bo! ..... Bo!... Booooo!" And then that Yibo responded. He was pulled out of his daze. "Come here. Let's go to your dorm." Said Kuan as he took Yibo by his arm and dragged the silent man into the taxi. Throughout the drive, Yibo stared out of the window, and his fingers restlessly moving along each other. His mind could only imagine of negations and he would shook his head in denial. 

"Sir ! here we come. Do you want me to help you with luggage." Asked the driver with politeness. "Sure please." Saying so Kuan pulled open the door and walked out. He hinted Yibo was in no mood to come out. "BoBo! Come here baby." Saying that he pulled Yibo out of the car. 

Yibo stared to the distant into the building. He saw people walking in and out of the building. "Gege! Gege!" Suddenly feeling scared he walked upto Kuan and clutched onto the elder's shirt. "Hey! Bo Please wait a while baby. We'll go in soon." Saying that he went to pay off the driver. He thanked the person for his politeness. Dragging the luggage and on the other arm, his baby Didi cling onto him. Entering the large counter hall. He felt a good vibe. Something gave him a sense of goodness within it. 

"BoBo! Walk this way." And he made Yibo walk towards the restroom and made him settle at the couch. "I'll be right back okay. Sit here a while." Kuan kneeled in front of Yibo, and pampered him like he was making a baby understand his next move. "Gege ! Don't leave me please... I.. I.. will go with you." Panickily Yibo stuttered and in no while his arms were already encircled around his elder brother, while his head was hidden into the crook of the elder's neck.

"Didi! Calm down. I'm just going to the counter.. Okay .. Okay come along.. Now don't cry. You're big boy my baby." Saying that he patted the younger's back and tried to calm the tremendously shaking person in his arms. Rubbing off the tears , Yibo stood along and walked upto the counter along with Kuan. 

"Excuse me Ma'am." Kuan enquired at the counter place. 

"Yes Sir how may I help you." Said the counter lady.

"We needed to enquire about the dorm in the name of Mr. Wang Yibo." Said Kuan while glancing at his Didi beside. Yibo's chin would quiver from time to time, and he would sniffle holding his tears. 

 "Sir are you talking about Mr. Ming's booking.?" Asked her with a smile. "Yes ! We are his sons." Said Kuan and even he grabbed a smile in his face. "Kelly! Here . They are here." She called for another lady and Kuan seemed to be confused, while Yibo felt a little scared and he ended up clutching onto his brother's arm. 

"Sir ! Please have a seat. We'll arrange the room. Will serve you with meal. You want to have anything specific in the meal. Sir please be free to order us. We were waiting for you." Said the lady as she help them move to the VIP rest room. "What do you mean you were waiting ma'am?" Asked Kuan out of his curiosity. 

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