Chapter 75 For New Memories

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Chapter 75 For New Memories

"What's wrong?" Ace came to my side and studied me. "I thought that you would be...happy?"

I looked up at Ace, my lips tried moving and forming the right words out. "She's...I..." I turned my attention back to Stella, who seemed uncomfortable whenever I looked at her. My heartache especially when she tried to hide behind the queen. "She's different...she's...older." I muttered as I pictured what Stella looked like the last time I saw her.

My legs began to move all on their own. Viex jumped onto my shoulder while Custard simply walked with me as I approached her.

Queen Siera moved to the side so I would be able to see her. "Go on, child." She gently pushed Stella towards me. Stella hesitated for a bit, but came to face me later on.

"Stella?" I managed to speak her name even though my lips were shaking with nervousness. "It's me. Amy."

Stella opened her mouth and hesitated. Her eyebrows drew back as she contemplated her words as if she was afraid to offend me. "You're the princess, right? I'm so sorry, your highness, I mean no disrespect, but I think you have the wrong girl. I don't have a sister."

"W-What?" My throat was getting clogged as I fought off the emotions that were started to surface. Instead, I lowered myself until I can see her at eye level. "Stella, please don't joke." My fingers shook as I placed them on her shoulders. "Listen, I know that I may have a lot of lapses, and judging by your appearance, I may have been gone for a really long time." I blinked fast. "But please, don't tell me that you have forgotten about me. Stella, please. It's Amy. Short for my second name Amber. You used to call me that because you had a hard time saying Rose."

Stella stiffened under my touch. She gave me a sad look, removed my hands from her shoulder, and bowed regretfully. "Princess Rose, I deeply apologize. I never lie and I will not start lying just to comfort someone. I am an only child." She started moving back and face the elf queen. "Your highness, may I go and visit Leo?"

I felt Queen Siera giving me a look, but I was too stunned at what I just heard that I was staring into an empty space. "Alright." I heard her say before the door closes.

And she was gone. Even though she's here, she was still gone. To her, I never existed. I fell on my knees and felt Viex whipping away the silent tears that fell down my cheeks. Custard whimpered and tried to get my attention, but I just sat there. Looking at the ground.

And then, very slowly, I began to cry.

I pulled Viex and Custard into a hug as I continued to express my emotions through tears. I saw someone sitting crossed-legged in front of me. It was Ace. "She...She doesn't even know that I exist." I tried to laugh as a joke but I just ended up crying instead.

Ace didn't say a word. He just nodded.

"She bowed to me like I really am a princess. She was afraid of me. Me, her older sister! Why'd she do that!?" Still, Ace didn't say anything, he just listened. "I stayed in this world to protect her. But I just endangered her instead. And now, she doesn't..!" I bit my lips and buried my face into Custard's fur. "I'm sorry. I must sound like I am being ungrateful, even though you risked your life to save her."

"You risk King Ferius's life when I came to save her you mean." He corrected me.

My eyes were wet with tears, but I still gave him a look. "I never knew you can say something so shameless."

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